rzander / ruckzuck

software package manager for windows
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Question. What exactly is "run PowerShell to create and upload Application in Intune" #256

Open James-von-Detroit opened 3 months ago

James-von-Detroit commented 3 months ago

What do you mean upload a tool in Intune? I'm curious about using this tool, but i dont want to upload anything into Intune... Can someone explain this process to me "run PowerShell to create and upload Application in Intune"

rzander commented 3 months ago

Where did you get the "run PowerShell to create and upload Application in Intune" ?

James-von-Detroit commented 3 months ago

Per these steps. The last step found at https://github.com/rzander/ruckzuck/wiki/RuckZuck-for-Intune

Connect Intune by using Graph API to check for outdated RuckZuck-Applications

User can select Applictions to create...
download the required Files to %TEMP%\{ContentID}
(Install Nuget Module if missing)
(Install AzureAD PowerShell Module if missing)
(download IntuneWinAppUtil.exe from https://github.com/Microsoft/Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool to %TEMP%\intunewin)
extract PowerShell script to upload App (Script is based on https://github.com/microsoftgraph/powershell-intune-samples/tree/master/LOB_Application) to %TEMP%\intunewin
generate install.ps1, uninstall.ps1, detection.ps1, requirements.ps1 and logo.png in %TEMP%\{ContentID}
run IntuneWinAppUtil.exe to generate *.intunewin File in %TEMP%\intunewin
run PowerShell to create and upload Application in Intune. 
James-von-Detroit commented 3 months ago

Perhaps i'm misunderstanding, but wanted to know exactly that meant. I was reading it as it was going to upload the ruckzuck tools into intune?

rzander commented 3 months ago

RuckZuck4Intune will download the selected app from RuckZuck to the local %Temp% directory and generates the .intunewin File from the downloaded content. Then it will generate the app in Intune and upload the intunewin File for that app... Exact the same steps as you would create an app manually...