rzane / file_store

🗄️ A unified interface for file storage backends
MIT License
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disk download files s3 storage upload


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FileStore allows you to read, write, upload, download, and interact with files, regardless of where they are stored.

It includes adapters for the following storage backends:

View the documentation


The package can be installed by adding file_store to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:file_store, "~> 0.3"}]


Configure a new store:

store = FileStore.Adapters.Disk.new(
  storage_path: "/path/to/store/files",
  base_url: "http://example.com/files/"

Now, you can manipulate files in your store:

iex> FileStore.upload(store, "hello.txt", "world.txt")

iex> FileStore.read(store, "world.txt")
{:ok, "hello world"}

iex> FileStore.stat(store, "world.txt")
   etag: "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
   key: "hello.txt",
   size: 11,
   type: "application/octet-stream"

iex> FileStore.get_public_url(store, "world.txt")

Click here to see all available operations.



To enable logging, just wrap your store with the logging middleware:

iex> store
...> |> FileStore.Middleware.Logger.new()
...> |> FileStore.read("test.txt")
# 02:37:30.724 [debug] READ OK key="test.txt"
{:ok, "hello"}


The errors middleware will wrap error values:

iex> store
...> |> FileStore.Middleware.Errors.new()
...> |> FileStore.read("bizcorp.jpg")
{:error, %FileStore.Error{...}}

One of the following structs will be returned:

Because the error implements the Exception behaviour, you can raise it.


The prefix middleware allows you to prepend a prefix to all operations.

iex> store
...> |> FileStore.Middleware.Prefix.new(prefix: "company/logos")
...> |> FileStore.read("bizcorp.jpg")

In the example above, bizcorp.jpg was translated to companies/logos/bizcorp.jpg.

Creating a store

You can also create a dedicated store in your application.

defmodule MyApp.Storage do
  use FileStore.Config, otp_app: :my_app

You'll need to provide configuration for this module:

config :my_app, MyApp.Storage,
  adapter: FileStore.Adapters.Null,
  middleware: [FileStore.Middleware.Errors]

Now, you can interact with your store more conveniently:

iex> MyApp.Storage.write("foo", "hello world")

iex> MyApp.Storage.read("foo")
{:ok, "hello world"}


In order to run the test suite, you'll need Docker and Docker Compose. Docker is used to run services like Minio locally, so that we can integration test the S3 adapter.

To install dependencies and start services:

$ bin/setup

Run the test suite:

$ bin/test