Time is money, right? A few things that aims to help tracking your time.
npm install time-track -g
Usage: tt|time-track [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-l, --list list available projects
-s, --switch [project] create or switch to a given project name
-i, --info [date] check the tracked time today or by a given date DD.MM.YYYY
-S, --availableseconds [seconds] set the available time for the current project in seconds
-M, --availableminutes [minutes] set the available time for the current project in minutes
-H, --availablehours [hours] set the available time for the current project in hours
-D, --availabledays [days] set the available time for the current project in days
-o, --open open the app data folder
-O, --opensystem open the system data folder
-e, --edit open current project data storage json file in your editor
-E, --editsystem open system data storage json file in your editor
-r, --report [reporter] reports tracked with a given reporter (reportername is optional and defaults to default-reporter.js)
-t, --timerange [MM.YYYY] optional timerange for the reporter
Currently the default reporter log csv data to console. tt -r > myreport.csv
will write a csv file down to filesystem.
Check out the default reporter and create your own. Then use it with tt -r my-custom-reporter.js
Internaly measured in seconds a few reportings in timeTrack may need this information. You can set available time using the --available*
parms. Keep in mind that this sets currently the available time of the current active project and the current month. If you want to change available time of another month then use --o to open the AppData folder and edit the .json
files manualy.