s-ayush2903 / Recipebook

Get Recipes and cook yummy food 🎊 😋
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Get Recipes and cook yummy food 🎊 😋

If interested, join the discussion at #recipebook channel.

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Base Url being used for queries: ~Food2Fork.com~ -> RecipesApi

An native-android based client where we'll be pushing us to make it close to any food deliv. application. From the backend we have, we can search recipes and ingredients being used in them and how to cook them, the backend comprises of images etc.

So the module will be like this:

Currently none of the screen is implemented and just makes a single API call to the backend. We'll be entirely following the Jetpack Components and Navigation to make the most out of it obviously with kotlin, coroutines and will try to use kotlin flows(to generate faster searches)

A work in progress. Docs will be updated after some work has been done