s-kostyaev / ellama

Ellama is a tool for interacting with large language models from Emacs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt][file:https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL_3-green.svg]] [[https://melpa.org/#/ellama][file:https://melpa.org/packages/ellama-badge.svg]] [[https://stable.melpa.org/#/ellama][file:https://stable.melpa.org/packages/ellama-badge.svg]] [[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/ellama.html][file:https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/ellama.svg]]

Ellama is a tool for interacting with large language models from Emacs. It allows you to ask questions and receive responses from the LLMs. Ellama can perform various tasks such as translation, code review, summarization, enhancing grammar/spelling or wording and more through the Emacs interface. Ellama natively supports streaming output, making it effortless to use with your preferred text editor.

The name "ellama" is derived from "Emacs Large LAnguage Model Assistant". Previous sentence was written by Ellama itself.

** Installation

Just ~M-x~ ~package-install~ @@html:kbd>@@Enter@@html:</kbd@@ ~ellama~ @@html:kbd>@@Enter@@html:</kbd@@. By default it uses [[https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama][ollama]] provider and [[https://ollama.ai/library/zephyr][zephyr]] model. If you ok with it, you need to install [[https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama][ollama]] and pull [[https://ollama.ai/library/zephyr][zephyr]] like this:

+BEGIN_SRC shell

ollama pull zephyr


You can use ~ellama~ with other model or other llm provider. In that case you should customize ellama configuration like this:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

;; YOU DON'T NEED NONE OF THIS CODE FOR SIMPLE INSTALL ;; IT IS AN EXAMPLE OF CUSTOMIZATION. (use-package ellama :init ;; setup key bindings (setopt ellama-keymap-prefix "C-c e") ;; language you want ellama to translate to (setopt ellama-language "German") ;; could be llm-openai for example (require 'llm-ollama) (setopt ellama-provider (make-llm-ollama ;; this model should be pulled to use it ;; value should be the same as you print in terminal during pull :chat-model "llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0" :embedding-model "nomic-embed-text" :default-chat-non-standard-params '(("num_ctx" . 8192)))) ;; Predefined llm providers for interactive switching. ;; You shouldn't add ollama providers here - it can be selected interactively ;; without it. It is just example. (setopt ellama-providers '(("zephyr" . (make-llm-ollama :chat-model "zephyr:7b-beta-q6_K" :embedding-model "zephyr:7b-beta-q6_K")) ("mistral" . (make-llm-ollama :chat-model "mistral:7b-instruct-v0.2-q6_K" :embedding-model "mistral:7b-instruct-v0.2-q6_K")) ("mixtral" . (make-llm-ollama :chat-model "mixtral:8x7b-instruct-v0.1-q3_K_M-4k" :embedding-model "mixtral:8x7b-instruct-v0.1-q3_K_M-4k")))) ;; Naming new sessions with llm (setopt ellama-naming-provider (make-llm-ollama :chat-model "llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0" :embedding-model "nomic-embed-text" :default-chat-non-standard-params '(("stop" . ("\n"))))) (setopt ellama-naming-scheme 'ellama-generate-name-by-llm) ;; Translation llm provider (setopt ellama-translation-provider (make-llm-ollama :chat-model "phi3:14b-medium-128k-instruct-q6_K" :embedding-model "nomic-embed-text")))


** Commands

*** ellama-chat

Ask Ellama about something by entering a prompt in an interactive buffer and continue conversation. If called with universal argument (~C-u~) will start new session with llm model interactive selection. [[imgs/ellama-ask.gif]]

*** ellama-ask-about

Ask Ellama about a selected region or the current buffer. [[imgs/ellama-ask-about.gif]]

*** ellama-ask-selection

Send selected region or current buffer to ellama chat.

*** ellama-ask-line

Send current line to ellama chat.

*** ellama-complete

Complete text in current buffer with ellama.

*** ellama-translate

Ask Ellama to translate a selected region or word at the point. [[imgs/ellama-translate.gif]]

*** ellama-translate-buffer

Translate current buffer.

*** ellama-define-word

Find the definition of the current word using Ellama. [[imgs/ellama-define-word.gif]]

*** ellama-summarize

Summarize a selected region or the current buffer using Ellama. [[imgs/ellama-summarize.gif]]

*** ellama-summarize-killring

Summarize text from the kill ring.

*** ellama-code-review

Review code in a selected region or the current buffer using Ellama. [[imgs/ellama-code-review.gif]]

*** ellama-change

Change text in a selected region or the current buffer according to a provided change.

*** ellama-make-list

Create a markdown list from the active region or the current buffer using Ellama.

*** ellama-make-table

Create a markdown table from the active region or the current buffer using Ellama.

*** ellama-summarize-webpage

Summarize a webpage fetched from a URL using Ellama.

*** ellama-provider-select

Select ellama provider.

*** ellama-code-complete

Complete selected code or code in the current buffer according to a provided change using Ellama.

*** ellama-code-add

Add new code according to a description, generating it with a provided context from the selected region or the current buffer using Ellama.

*** ellama-code-edit

Change selected code or code in the current buffer according to a provided change using Ellama.

*** ellama-code-improve

Change selected code or code in the current buffer according to a provided change using Ellama.

*** ellama-improve-wording

Enhance the wording in the currently selected region or buffer using Ellama.

*** ellama-improve-grammar Enhance the grammar and spelling in the currently selected region or buffer using Ellama. [[imgs/ellama-enhance-grammar-spelling.gif]]

*** ellama-improve-conciseness

Make the text of the currently selected region or buffer concise and simple using Ellama.

*** ellama-make-format

Render the currently selected text or the text in the current buffer as a specified format using Ellama.

*** ellama-load-session

Load ellama session from file.

*** ellama-session-remove

Remove ellama session.

*** ellama-session-switch

Change current active session.

*** ellama-session-rename

Rename current ellama session.

*** ellama-context-add-file

Add file to context.

*** ellama-context-add-buffer

Add buffer to context.

*** ellama-context-add-selection

Add selected region to context.

*** ellama-context-add-info-node

Add info node to context.

*** ellama-chat-translation-enable

Chat translation enable.

*** ellama-chat-translation-disable

Chat translation disable.

*** ellama-solve-reasoning-problem

Solve reasoning problem with [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.12442][Absctraction of Thought]] technique. It uses a chain of multiple messages to LLM and help it to provide much better answers on reasoning problems. Even small LLMs like [[https://ollama.com/library/phi3][phi3-mini]] provides much better results on reasoning tasks using AoT.

*** ellama-solve-domain-specific-problem

Solve domain specific problem with simple chain. It makes LLMs act like a professional and adds a planning step.

** Keymap

Here is a table of keybindings and their associated functions in Ellama, using the ~ellama-keymap-prefix~ prefix (not set by default):

| Keymap | Function | Description | |--------+---------------------------------+------------------------------| | "c c" | ellama-code-complete | Code complete | | "c a" | ellama-code-add | Code add | | "c e" | ellama-code-edit | Code edit | | "c i" | ellama-code-improve | Code improve | | "c r" | ellama-code-review | Code review | | "s s" | ellama-summarize | Summarize | | "s w" | ellama-summarize-webpage | Summarize webpage | | "s c" | ellama-summarize-killring | Summarize killring | | "s l" | ellama-load-session | Session Load | | "s r" | ellama-session-rename | Session rename | | "s d" | ellama-session-remove | Session delete | | "s a" | ellama-session-switch | Session activate | | "i w" | ellama-improve-wording | Improve wording | | "i g" | ellama-improve-grammar | Improve grammar and spelling | | "i c" | ellama-improve-conciseness | Improve conciseness | | "m l" | ellama-make-list | Make list | | "m t" | ellama-make-table | Make table | | "m f" | ellama-make-format | Make format | | "a a" | ellama-ask-about | Ask about | | "a i" | ellama-chat | Chat (ask interactively) | | "a l" | ellama-ask-line | Ask current line | | "a s" | ellama-ask-selection | Ask selection | | "t t" | ellama-translate | Text translate | | "t b" | ellama-translate-buffer | Translate buffer | | "t e" | ellama-chat-translation-enable | Translation enable | | "t d" | ellama-chat-translation-disable | Translation disable | | "t c" | ellama-complete | Text complete | | "d w" | ellama-define-word | Define word | | "x b" | ellama-context-add-buffer | Context add buffer | | "x f" | ellama-context-add-file | Context add file | | "x s" | ellama-context-add-selection | Context add selection | | "x i" | ellama-context-add-info-node | Context add info node | | "p s" | ellama-provider-select | Provider select |

** Configuration

The following variables can be customized for the Ellama client:

** Acknowledgments

Thanks [[https://github.com/jmorganca][Jeffrey Morgan]] for excellent project [[https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama][ollama]]. This project cannot exist without it.

Thanks [[https://github.com/zweifisch][zweifisch]] - I got some ideas from [[https://github.com/zweifisch/ollama][ollama.el]] what ollama client in Emacs can do.

Thanks [[https://github.com/David-Kunz][Dr. David A. Kunz]] - I got more ideas from [[https://github.com/David-Kunz/gen.nvim][gen.nvim]].

Thanks [[https://github.com/ahyatt][Andrew Hyatt]] for ~llm~ library. Without it only ~ollama~ would be supported.

To contribute, submit a pull request or report a bug. This library is part of GNU ELPA; major contributions must be from someone with FSF papers. Alternatively, you can write a module and share it on a different archive like MELPA.