s-ol / openxr-zig

MIT License
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A OpenXR binding generator for Zig. The generator is almost a verbatim copy of Snektron's vulkan-zig, and all the hard work was done there.


openxr-zig attempts to provide a better experience to programming OpenXR applications in Zig, by providing features such as integration of openxr errors with Zig's error system, function pointer loading, renaming fields to standard Zig style, better bitfield handling, turning out parameters into return values and more.

openxr-zig is automatically tested daily against the latest xr.xml and zig, and supports xr.xml from version 1.x.163.

Zig versions

openxr-zig aims to be always compatible with the ever-changing Zig master branch (however, development may lag a few days behind). Sometimes, the Zig master branch breaks a bunch of functionality however, which may make the latest version openxr-zig incompatible with older releases of Zig. Versions compatible with older versions of zig are marked with the tag zig-<version>.

Differences from Spec



A CLI-interface is provided to generate xr.zig from the OpenXR XML registry, which is built by default when invoking zig build in the project root. To generate xr.zig, simply invoke the program as follows:

$ zig-cache/bin/openxr-zig-generator path/to/xr.xml output/path/to/xr.zig

This reads the xml file, parses its contents, renders the OpenXR bindings, and formats file, before writing the result to the output path. While the intended usage of openxr-zig is through direct generation from build.zig (see below), the CLI-interface can be used for one-off generation and vendoring the result.

Generation from build.zig

OpenXR bindings can be generated from the OpenXR XML registry at compile time with build.zig, by using the provided OpenXR generation step:

const xrgen = @import("openxr-zig/generator/index.zig");

pub fn build(b: *Builder) void {
    const exe = b.addExecutable("my-executable", "src/main.zig");

    // Create a step that generates xr.zig (stored in zig-cache) from the provided openxr registry.
    const gen = xrgen.XrGenerateStep.init(b, "path/to/xr.xml", "xr.zig");

    // Add the generated file as package to the final executable
    exe.addPackagePath("openxr", gen.full_out_path);

This reads xr.xml, parses its contents, and renders the OpenXR bindings to "xr.zig", which is then formatted and placed in zig-cache. The resulting file can then be added to an executable by using addPackagePath.

Function & field renaming

Functions and fields are renamed to be more or less in line with Zig's standard library style:

Function pointers & Wrappers

openxr-zig provides no integration for statically linking libopenxr, and these symbols are not generated at all. Instead, openxr functions are to be loaded dynamically. For each OpenXR function, a function pointer type is generated using the exact parameters and return types as defined by the OpenXR specification:

pub const PfnCreateInstance = fn (
    create_info: *const InstanceCreateInfo,
    instance: *Instance,
) callconv(openxr_call_conv) Result;

fn getProcAddr(instance: xr.Instance, name: [*:0]const u8) xr.PfnVoidFunction { var out: xr.PfnVoidFunction = undefined; _ = c.xrGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, name, &out); return out; }

For each function, a wrapper is generated into one of three structs:

Each wrapper struct is to be used as a mixin on a struct containing just function pointers as members:

const xr = @import("openxr");
const BaseDispatch = struct {
    xrCreateInstance: xr.PfnCreateInstance,
    usingnamespace xr.BaseWrapper(@This());

The wrapper struct then provides wrapper functions for each function pointer in the dispatch struct:

pub const BaseWrapper(comptime Self: type) type {
    return struct {
        pub fn createInstance(
            self: Self,
            create_info: InstanceCreateInfo,
        ) error{
        }!Instance {
            var instance: Instance = undefined;
            const result = self.xrCreateInstance(
            switch (result) {
                .success => {},
                .error_out_of_memory => return error.OutOfMemory,
                .error_limit_reached => return error.LimitReached,
                .error_instance_lost => return error.InstanceLost,
                .error_runtime_failure => return error.RuntimeFailure,
                .error_initialization_failed => return error.InitializationFailed,
                .error_api_version_unsupported => return error.ApiVersionUnsupported,
                .error_api_layer_not_present => return error.ApiLayerNotPresent,
                .error_extension_not_present => return error.ExtensionNotPresent,
                .error_validation_failure => return error.ValidationFailure,
                .error_name_invalid => return error.NameInvalid,
                else => return error.Unknown,
            return instance;


Wrappers are generated according to the following rules:

Furthermore, each wrapper contains a function to load each function pointer member when passed PfnGetInstanceProcAddr, which attempts to load each member as function pointer and casts it to the appropriate type. These functions are loaded literally, and any wrongly named member or member with a wrong function pointer type will result in problems.


By linking against openxr_loader and including openxr.h, xrGetInstanceProcAddr can be obtained and wrapped like so:

fn getProcAddr(instance: xr.Instance, name: [*:0]const u8) !xr.PfnVoidFunction {
    var out: xr.PfnVoidFunction = undefined;
    const result = c.xrGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, name, &out);
    return switch (result) {
        .success => out,
        .error_handle_invalid => error.HandleInvalid,
        .error_instance_lost => error.InstanceLost,
        .error_runtime_failure => error.RuntimeFailure,
        .error_out_of_memory => error.OutOfMemory,
        .error_function_unsupported => error.FunctionUnsupported,
        .error_validation_failure => error.ValidationFailure,
        else => error.Unknown,

const BaseDispatch = struct {
    xrCreateInstance: xr.PfnCreateInstance,
    usingnamespace xr.BaseWrapper(@This());


const xrb = try BaseDispatch.load(getProcAddr);


Packed structs of bools are used for bit flags in openxr-zig, instead of both a FlagBits and Flags64 variant. Places where either of these variants are used are both replaced by this packed struct instead. This means that even in places where just one flag would normally be accepted, the packed struct is accepted. The programmer is responsible for only enabling a single bit.

Each bit is defaulted to false, and the first bool is aligned to guarantee the overal alignment of each Flags type to guarantee ABI compatibility when passing bitfields through structs:

pub const ViewStateFlags = packed struct {
    orientation_valid_bit: bool align(@alignOf(Flags64)) = false,
    position_valid_bit: bool = false,
    orientation_tracked_bit: bool = false,
    position_tracked_bit: bool = false,
    _reserved_bit_4: bool = false,
    _reserved_bit_5: bool = false,
    pub usingnamespace FlagsMixin(ViewStateFlags);

Note that on function call ABI boundaries, this alignment trick is not sufficient. Instead, the flags are reinterpreted as an integer which is passed instead. Each flags type is augmented by a mixin which provides IntType, an integer which represents the flags on function ABI boundaries. This mixin also provides some common set operation on bitflags:

pub fn FlagsMixin(comptime FlagsType: type) type {
    return struct {
        pub const IntType = Flags64;

        // Return the integer representation of these flags
        pub fn toInt(self: FlagsType) IntType {...}

        // Turn an integer representation back into a flags type
        pub fn fromInt(flags: IntType) FlagsType { ... }

        // Return the set-union of `lhs` and `rhs.
        pub fn merge(lhs: FlagsType, rhs: FlagsType) FlagsType { ... }

        // Return the set-intersection of `lhs` and `rhs`.
        pub fn intersect(lhs: FlagsType, rhs: FlagsType) FlagsType { ... }

        // Return the set-complement of `lhs` and `rhs`. Note: this also inverses reserved bits.
        pub fn complement(self: FlagsType) FlagsType { ... }

        // Return the set-subtraction of `lhs` and `rhs`: All fields set in `rhs` are cleared in `lhs`.
        pub fn subtract(lhs: FlagsType, rhs: FlagsType) FlagsType { ... }

        // Returns whether all bits set in `rhs` are also set in `lhs`.
        pub fn contains(lhs: FlagsType, rhs: FlagsType) bool { ... }


Handles are generated to a non-exhaustive enum, backed by a u64 for non-dispatchable handles and usize for dispatchable ones:

const Instance = extern enum(usize) { null_handle = 0, _ };

This means that handles are type-safe even when compiling for a 32-bit target.


Defaults are generated for certain fields of structs:

All structs contain an empty() function that returns an instance with only type and next set, which can be used whenever OpenXR requires an uninitialized (but typed) structure to output into.

pub const InstanceCreateInfo = extern struct {
    type: StructureType = .instance_create_info,
    next: ?*const c_void = null,
    create_flags: InstanceCreateFlags,
    application_info: ApplicationInfo,
    enabled_api_layer_count: u32,
    enabled_api_layer_names: [*]const [*:0]const u8,
    enabled_extension_count: u32,
    enabled_extension_names: [*]const [*:0]const u8,
    pub fn empty() @This() {
        var value: @This() = undefined;
        value.type = .instance_create_info;
        value.next = null;
        return value;

Pointer types

Pointer types in both commands (wrapped and function pointers) and struct fields are augmented with the following information, where available in the registry:

Some of these are detected wrong, most notably next, which has been overriden to be optional in all cases.
