s3-actions / s3cmd

expose s3cmd utility
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github-actions s3


This action is a simple wrapper for S3cmd.

Supported Providers

Currently the below providers are supported, but it could be used with other providers too when using additional flags.



Not Required The s3 provider to use. Defaults to Linode. AWS, Linode, DigitalOcean, Scaleway, Cloudflare are supported.


Required The buckets secret key.


Required The buckets access key.


Not Required The default region to use. The default depends on the provider.


Not Required Cloudflare account ID. Only required when using Cloudflare R2.

Example usage

- name: Set up S3cmd cli tool
  uses: s3-actions/s3cmd@v1.6.1
    provider: aws # default is linode
    region: 'eu-central-1'
    access_key: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
    secret_key: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}

- name: Interact with object storage
  run: |
    s3cmd sync --recursive --acl-public dist s3://awesome.blog/
    s3cmd put dist/style.css --mime-type 'text/css' --acl-public s3://awesome.blog/style.css
    s3cmd info s3://awesome.blog


The region only matters when creating a new bucket with mb. In that case a different region apart from the default region can be provided ad hoc.

s3cmd mb --region ap-south-1 s3://my-bucket

For linode object storage this wont work though. The region must always be set to US. If you want to change the region on the fly you can still do ith with the below command.

s3cmd mb --host ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com  s3://my-bucket


Copy the hooks into the git folder:

cp assets/hooks/* .git/hooks/