s5bug / sys-script

Controlling the Nintendo Switch with Lisp
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sys-script allows you to run Janet scripts on your Switch.


TODO: Fully flesh out this section

sys-script's Title ID is 4200736372697074.

On startup, your Switch will execute sdmc:/script/main.janet, outputting logs in sdmc:/script/log.

Additional Functions


(switch/event-close ev)

Closes (frees) the event ev.

(switch/event-wait ev)

Waits for the firing of event ev.


(hid/keyboard states &opt max)

Fetches n keyboard states, where n is max if it is present, otherwise it is 1. Returns a table that looks like

  :sampling-number 0x################
  :modifiers 0x################
  :keys @[

This table should directly match https://switchbrew.github.io/libnx/structHidKeyboardState.html.


(hiddbg/attach type interface body buttons left-grip right-grip)

Attaches and returns a new virtual controller. type may be one of :pro-controller. interface may be one of :bluetooth, :rail, :usb. body, buttons, left-grip, and right-grip are all numbers in little-endian RGBA (0xAABBGGRR).

(hiddbg/detach controller)

Detaches a virtual controller.

(hiddbg/set-buttons controller flags)

Sets the buttons of controller to flags. TODO: Document how to figure out your button flags

(hiddbg/set-joystick controller stick x y)

Sets the joystick stick of controller to (x, y). stick may be :left or :right.


(vi/display-open &opt id)

Opens a display. id may be a string. If id is missing, the default display will be opened.

(vi/display-close disp)

Closes disp.

(vi/display-event-vsync disp)

Returns disp's VSync event.