s5uishida / open5gs_5gc_ueransim_snssai_upf_sample_config

Open5GS 5GC & UERANSIM UE / RAN Sample Configuration - Select UPF based on S-NSSAI
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5g 5gc amf gnodeb network-slicing nssf open5gs ran s-nssai smf stand-alone ue ueransim upf

Open5GS 5GC & UERANSIM UE / RAN Sample Configuration - Select UPF based on S-NSSAI

This describes a very simple configuration that uses Open5GS and UERANSIM to select the UPF based on S-NSSAI.

Sample Configurations and Miscellaneous for Mobile Network

Table of Contents

Overview of Open5GS 5GC Simulation Mobile Network

The following minimum configuration was set as a condition.

The built simulation environment is as follows.

The 5GC / UE / RAN used are as follows.

Each VMs are as follows. VM # SW & Role IP address OS Memory (Min) HDD (Min)
VM1 Open5GS 5GC C-Plane
Ubuntu 22.04 2GB 20GB
VM2 Open5GS 5GC U-Plane1 Ubuntu 22.04 1GB 20GB
VM3 Open5GS 5GC U-Plane2 Ubuntu 22.04 1GB 20GB
VM4 UERANSIM RAN (gNodeB) Ubuntu 22.04 1GB 10GB
VM5 UERANSIM UE Ubuntu 22.04 1GB 10GB
AMF & SMF addresses are as follows. NF IP address IP address on SBI Supported S-NSSAI
AMF SST:1, SD:0x000001
SST:1, SD:0x000002
SMF1 SST:1, SD:0x000001
SMF2 SST:1, SD:0x000002
gNodeB Information (other information is default) is as follows. IP address Supported S-NSSAI SST:1, SD:0x000001
SST:1, SD:0x000002
Subscriber Information (other information is default) is as follows.
Note. Please select OP or OPc according to the setting of UERANSIM UE configuration files.
UE 001010000000000 internet OPc SST:1, SD:0x000001
SST:1, SD:0x000002

I registered these information with the Open5GS WebUI. In addition, 3GPP TS 35.208 "4.3 Test Sets" is published by 3GPP as test data for the 3GPP authentication and key generation functions (MILENAGE).

Each DNs are as follows. DN S-NSSAI TUNnel interface of DN DNN TUNnel interface of UE U-Plane # SST:1
ogstun internet uesimtun0 U-Plane1 SST:1
ogstun internet uesimtun0 U-Plane2

Changes in configuration files of Open5GS 5GC and UERANSIM UE / RAN

Please refer to the following for building Open5GS and UERANSIM respectively.

Changes in configuration files of Open5GS 5GC C-Plane

Changes in configuration files of Open5GS 5GC U-Plane1

Changes in configuration files of Open5GS 5GC U-Plane2

Changes in configuration files of UERANSIM UE / RAN

Changes in configuration files of RAN (gNodeB)

-linkIp: # gNB's local IP address for Radio Link Simulation (Usually same with local IP) -ngapIp: # gNB's local IP address for N2 Interface (Usually same with local IP) -gtpIp: # gNB's local IP address for N3 Interface (Usually same with local IP) +linkIp: # gNB's local IP address for Radio Link Simulation (Usually same with local IP) +ngapIp: # gNB's local IP address for N2 Interface (Usually same with local IP) +gtpIp: # gNB's local IP address for N3 Interface (Usually same with local IP)

List of AMF address information


Changes in configuration files of UE[SST:1, SD:0x000001] (IMSI-001010000000000)

Changes in configuration files of UE[SST:1, SD:0x000002] (IMSI-001010000000000)

Network settings of Open5GS 5GC and UERANSIM UE / RAN

Network settings of Open5GS 5GC C-Plane

Add IP addresses for SMF1 and SMF2.

ip addr add dev enp0s8
ip addr add dev enp0s8

Note. enp0s8 is the network interface of in my VirtualBox environment. Please change it according to your environment.

Network settings of Open5GS 5GC U-Plane1

First, uncomment the next line in the /etc/sysctl.conf file and reflect it in the OS.

# sysctl -p

Next, configure the TUNnel interface and NAPT.

ip tuntap add name ogstun mode tun
ip addr add dev ogstun
ip link set ogstun up

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -o ogstun -j MASQUERADE

Network settings of Open5GS 5GC U-Plane2

First, uncomment the next line in the /etc/sysctl.conf file and reflect it in the OS.

# sysctl -p

Next, configure the TUNnel interface and NAPT.

ip tuntap add name ogstun mode tun
ip addr add dev ogstun
ip link set ogstun up

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -o ogstun -j MASQUERADE

Build Open5GS and UERANSIM

Please refer to the following for building Open5GS and UERANSIM respectively.

Install MongoDB on Open5GS 5GC C-Plane machine. It is not necessary to install MongoDB on Open5GS 5GC U-Plane machines. MongoDB Compass is a convenient tool to look at the MongoDB database.


First run the 5GC, then UERANSIM (UE & RAN implementation).

Run Open5GS 5GC C-Plane

First, run Open5GS 5GC C-Plane.

Run Open5GS 5GC U-Plane1 & U-Plane2

Next, run Open5GS 5GC U-Plane.


Please refer to the following for usage of UERANSIM.


# ./nr-gnb -c ../config/open5gs-gnb.yaml
[2024-03-25 21:36:11.999] [sctp] [info] Trying to establish SCTP connection... (
[2024-03-25 21:36:12.011] [sctp] [info] SCTP connection established (
[2024-03-25 21:36:12.012] [sctp] [debug] SCTP association setup ascId[8]
[2024-03-25 21:36:12.013] [ngap] [debug] Sending NG Setup Request
[2024-03-25 21:36:12.038] [ngap] [debug] NG Setup Response received
[2024-03-25 21:36:12.038] [ngap] [info] NG Setup procedure is successful

The Open5GS C-Plane log when executed is as follows.

03/25 21:36:12.006: [amf] INFO: gNB-N2 accepted[]:52087 in ng-path module (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:113)
03/25 21:36:12.006: [amf] INFO: gNB-N2 accepted[] in master_sm module (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:754)
03/25 21:36:12.029: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of gNBs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:1236)
03/25 21:36:12.030: [amf] INFO: gNB-N2[] max_num_of_ostreams : 10 (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:793)

Run UERANSIM (UE[SST:1, SD:0x000001])

Confirm that the packet goes through the DN of U-Plane1 based on SST:1 and SD:0x000001.

UE connects to U-Plane1 based on SST:1 and SD:0x000001

# ./nr-ue -c ../config/open5gs-ue-sd1.yaml 
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.677] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/PLMN-SEARCH]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.678] [rrc] [debug] New signal detected for cell[1], total [1] cells in coverage
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.679] [nas] [info] Selected plmn[001/01]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.679] [rrc] [info] Selected cell plmn[001/01] tac[1] category[SUITABLE]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.680] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/PS]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.681] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.681] [nas] [debug] Initial registration required due to [MM-DEREG-NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.684] [nas] [debug] UAC access attempt is allowed for identity[0], category[MO_sig]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.685] [nas] [debug] Sending Initial Registration
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.685] [rrc] [debug] Sending RRC Setup Request
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.686] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-REGISTER-INITIATED]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.687] [rrc] [info] RRC connection established
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.687] [rrc] [info] UE switches to state [RRC-CONNECTED]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.688] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [CM-CONNECTED]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.714] [nas] [debug] Authentication Request received
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.715] [nas] [debug] Received SQN [000000000181]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.715] [nas] [debug] SQN-MS [000000000000]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.731] [nas] [debug] Security Mode Command received
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.732] [nas] [debug] Selected integrity[2] ciphering[0]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.776] [nas] [debug] Registration accept received
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.777] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-REGISTERED/NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.777] [nas] [debug] Sending Registration Complete
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.778] [nas] [info] Initial Registration is successful
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.778] [nas] [debug] Sending PDU Session Establishment Request
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.778] [nas] [debug] UAC access attempt is allowed for identity[0], category[MO_sig]
[2024-03-25 21:36:48.986] [nas] [debug] Configuration Update Command received
[2024-03-25 21:36:49.041] [nas] [debug] PDU Session Establishment Accept received
[2024-03-25 21:36:49.047] [nas] [info] PDU Session establishment is successful PSI[1]
[2024-03-25 21:36:49.091] [app] [info] Connection setup for PDU session[1] is successful, TUN interface[uesimtun0,] is up.

The Open5GS C-Plane log when executed is as follows.

03/25 21:36:48.679: [amf] INFO: InitialUEMessage (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:401)
03/25 21:36:48.679: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of gNB-UEs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:2656)
03/25 21:36:48.679: [amf] INFO:     RAN_UE_NGAP_ID[1] AMF_UE_NGAP_ID[1] TAC[1] CellID[0x10] (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:562)
03/25 21:36:48.680: [amf] INFO: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000] Unknown UE by SUCI (../src/amf/context.c:1840)
03/25 21:36:48.680: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of AMF-UEs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:1621)
03/25 21:36:48.680: [gmm] INFO: Registration request (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:1224)
03/25 21:36:48.680: [gmm] INFO: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000]    SUCI (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:172)
03/25 21:36:48.687: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:48.687: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:48.688: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.689: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.689: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.690: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:48.700: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (SCP-discover) NF registered [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:36:48.756: [sbi] WARNING: [UDR] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:48.757: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:48.758: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.758: [sbi] INFO: [UDR] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:48.761: [sbi] INFO: [UDR] (SCP-discover) NF registered [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:36:48.973: [gmm] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000] Registration complete (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:2321)
03/25 21:36:48.973: [amf] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000] Configuration update command (../src/amf/nas-path.c:591)
03/25 21:36:48.974: [gmm] INFO:     UTC [2024-03-25T12:36:48] Timezone[0]/DST[0] (../src/amf/gmm-build.c:558)
03/25 21:36:48.974: [gmm] INFO:     LOCAL [2024-03-25T21:36:48] Timezone[32400]/DST[0] (../src/amf/gmm-build.c:563)
03/25 21:36:48.975: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of AMF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:2677)
03/25 21:36:48.976: [gmm] INFO: UE SUPI[imsi-001010000000000] DNN[internet] S_NSSAI[SST:1 SD:0x1] smContextRef [NULL] (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:1285)
03/25 21:36:48.976: [gmm] INFO: SMF Instance [41ae89f2-eaa4-41ee-b083-05ab4ba5684f] (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:1324)
03/25 21:36:48.980: [smf] INFO: [Added] Number of SMF-UEs is now 1 (../src/smf/context.c:1019)
03/25 21:36:48.980: [smf] INFO: [Added] Number of SMF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/smf/context.c:3090)
03/25 21:36:48.984: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:48.984: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:48.985: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.985: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.986: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.986: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:48.992: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (SCP-discover) NF registered [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:36:48.996: [sbi] WARNING: [PCF] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [419a69cc-eaa4-41ee-8a01-d10531f1e6cd:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:48.997: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:48.998: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.998: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.998: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:48.999: [sbi] INFO: [PCF] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [419a69cc-eaa4-41ee-8a01-d10531f1e6cd:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:49.007: [sbi] WARNING: [UDR] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:49.008: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:49.008: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:49.008: [sbi] INFO: [UDR] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:49.012: [sbi] WARNING: [UDR] (SCP-discover) NF has already been added [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:2] (../lib/sbi/path.c:216)
03/25 21:36:49.014: [sbi] WARNING: [BSF] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [4190b508-eaa4-41ee-84c2-851c47f6e952:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:49.015: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:49.015: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:49.016: [sbi] INFO: [BSF] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [4190b508-eaa4-41ee-84c2-851c47f6e952:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:49.019: [sbi] INFO: [BSF] (SCP-discover) NF registered [4190b508-eaa4-41ee-84c2-851c47f6e952:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:36:49.022: [sbi] INFO: [PCF] (SCP-discover) NF registered [419a69cc-eaa4-41ee-8a01-d10531f1e6cd:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:36:49.023: [smf] INFO: UE SUPI[imsi-001010000000000] DNN[internet] IPv4[] IPv6[] (../src/smf/npcf-handler.c:542)
03/25 21:36:49.025: [gtp] INFO: gtp_connect() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:60)
03/25 21:36:49.035: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:36:49.036: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:36:49.036: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:49.037: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:49.037: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:36:49.037: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:36:49.041: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (SCP-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:2] (../lib/sbi/path.c:216)
03/25 21:36:49.042: [amf] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000:1:11][0:0:NULL] /nsmf-pdusession/v1/sm-contexts/{smContextRef}/modify (../src/amf/nsmf-handler.c:867)

The Open5GS U-Plane1 log when executed is as follows.

03/25 21:36:48.947: [upf] INFO: [Added] Number of UPF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/upf/context.c:208)
03/25 21:36:48.947: [gtp] INFO: gtp_connect() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:60)
03/25 21:36:48.947: [upf] INFO: UE F-SEID[UP:0x84f CP:0x8eb] APN[internet] PDN-Type[1] IPv4[] IPv6[] (../src/upf/context.c:485)
03/25 21:36:48.947: [upf] INFO: UE F-SEID[UP:0x84f CP:0x8eb] APN[internet] PDN-Type[1] IPv4[] IPv6[] (../src/upf/context.c:485)
03/25 21:36:48.956: [gtp] INFO: gtp_connect() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:60)

The TUNnel interface uesimtun0 is created as follows.

# ip addr show
9: uesimtun0: <POINTOPOINT,PROMISC,NOTRAILERS,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1400 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500
    inet scope global uesimtun0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::2dff:f15d:c28f:b51c/64 scope link stable-privacy 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Ping google.com going through DN= on U-Plane1

Confirm by using tcpdump that the packet goes through if=ogstun on U-Plane1.

# ping google.com -I uesimtun0 -n
PING google.com ( from uesimtun0: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=31.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=16.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=61 time=21.3 ms

The tcpdump log on U-Plane1 is as follows.

21:38:35.545703 IP > ICMP echo request, id 6, seq 1, length 64
21:38:35.574278 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 6, seq 1, length 64
21:38:36.545310 IP > ICMP echo request, id 6, seq 2, length 64
21:38:36.561089 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 6, seq 2, length 64
21:38:37.547232 IP > ICMP echo request, id 6, seq 3, length 64
21:38:37.566185 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 6, seq 3, length 64

Note. Make sure the packet does not go through U-Plane2.

Run UERANSIM (UE[SST:1, SD:0x000002])

Then the UE disconnects from gNodeB and connects to gNodeB using the configuration file for SST:1 and SD:0x000002. Confirm that the packet goes through the DN of U-Plane2 based on SST:1 and SD:0x000002.

UE connects to U-Plane2 based on SST:1 and SD:0x000002

# ./nr-ue -c ../config/open5gs-ue-sd2.yaml 
[2024-03-25 21:39:49.839] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/PLMN-SEARCH]
[2024-03-25 21:39:49.841] [rrc] [debug] New signal detected for cell[1], total [1] cells in coverage
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.024] [nas] [info] Selected plmn[001/01]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.024] [rrc] [info] Selected cell plmn[001/01] tac[1] category[SUITABLE]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.025] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/PS]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.026] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.026] [nas] [debug] Initial registration required due to [MM-DEREG-NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.029] [nas] [debug] UAC access attempt is allowed for identity[0], category[MO_sig]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.030] [nas] [debug] Sending Initial Registration
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.031] [rrc] [debug] Sending RRC Setup Request
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.031] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-REGISTER-INITIATED]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.033] [rrc] [info] RRC connection established
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.033] [rrc] [info] UE switches to state [RRC-CONNECTED]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.034] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [CM-CONNECTED]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.073] [nas] [debug] Authentication Request received
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.074] [nas] [debug] Received SQN [0000000001A1]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.075] [nas] [debug] SQN-MS [000000000000]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.090] [nas] [debug] Security Mode Command received
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.091] [nas] [debug] Selected integrity[2] ciphering[0]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.125] [nas] [debug] Registration accept received
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.126] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-REGISTERED/NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.126] [nas] [debug] Sending Registration Complete
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.127] [nas] [info] Initial Registration is successful
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.127] [nas] [debug] Sending PDU Session Establishment Request
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.128] [nas] [debug] UAC access attempt is allowed for identity[0], category[MO_sig]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.331] [nas] [debug] Configuration Update Command received
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.367] [nas] [debug] PDU Session Establishment Accept received
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.372] [nas] [info] PDU Session establishment is successful PSI[1]
[2024-03-25 21:39:52.394] [app] [info] Connection setup for PDU session[1] is successful, TUN interface[uesimtun0,] is up.

The Open5GS C-Plane log when executed is as follows.

03/25 21:39:52.025: [amf] INFO: InitialUEMessage (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:401)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of gNB-UEs is now 2 (../src/amf/context.c:2656)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [amf] INFO:     RAN_UE_NGAP_ID[2] AMF_UE_NGAP_ID[2] TAC[1] CellID[0x10] (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:562)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [amf] INFO: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000] known UE by SUCI (../src/amf/context.c:1838)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [amf] WARNING: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000] Holding NG Context (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:965)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [amf] WARNING: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000]    RAN_UE_NGAP_ID[1] AMF_UE_NGAP_ID[1] (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:965)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [gmm] INFO: Registration request (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:1224)
03/25 21:39:52.025: [gmm] INFO: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000]    SUCI (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:172)
03/25 21:39:52.045: [smf] INFO: Removed Session: UE IMSI:[imsi-001010000000000] DNN:[internet:1] IPv4:[] IPv6:[] (../src/smf/context.c:1677)
03/25 21:39:52.045: [smf] INFO: [Removed] Number of SMF-Sessions is now 0 (../src/smf/context.c:3098)
03/25 21:39:52.046: [smf] INFO: [Removed] Number of SMF-UEs is now 0 (../src/smf/context.c:1080)
03/25 21:39:52.048: [amf] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000:1] Release SM context [204] (../src/amf/amf-sm.c:505)
03/25 21:39:52.048: [amf] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000:1] Release SM Context [state:31] (../src/amf/nsmf-handler.c:1082)
03/25 21:39:52.049: [amf] INFO: [Removed] Number of AMF-Sessions is now 0 (../src/amf/context.c:2684)
03/25 21:39:52.083: [gmm] WARNING: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000] Clear NG Context (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:2002)
03/25 21:39:52.084: [gmm] WARNING: [suci-0-001-01-0000-0-0-0000000000]    RAN_UE_NGAP_ID[1] AMF_UE_NGAP_ID[1] (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:2002)
03/25 21:39:52.087: [amf] INFO: UE Context Release [Action:1] (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:1696)
03/25 21:39:52.087: [amf] INFO:     RAN_UE_NGAP_ID[1] AMF_UE_NGAP_ID[1] (../src/amf/ngap-handler.c:1697)
03/25 21:39:52.088: [amf] INFO: [Removed] Number of gNB-UEs is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:2663)
03/25 21:39:52.108: [pcf] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../src/pcf/npcf-handler.c:113)
03/25 21:39:52.317: [gmm] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000] Registration complete (../src/amf/gmm-sm.c:2321)
03/25 21:39:52.318: [amf] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000] Configuration update command (../src/amf/nas-path.c:591)
03/25 21:39:52.318: [gmm] INFO:     UTC [2024-03-25T12:39:52] Timezone[0]/DST[0] (../src/amf/gmm-build.c:558)
03/25 21:39:52.319: [gmm] INFO:     LOCAL [2024-03-25T21:39:52] Timezone[32400]/DST[0] (../src/amf/gmm-build.c:563)
03/25 21:39:52.320: [amf] INFO: [Added] Number of AMF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/amf/context.c:2677)
03/25 21:39:52.321: [gmm] INFO: UE SUPI[imsi-001010000000000] DNN[internet] S_NSSAI[SST:1 SD:0x2] smContextRef [NULL] (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:1285)
03/25 21:39:52.322: [gmm] INFO: SMF Instance [41add958-eaa4-41ee-910e-31d3641cb739] (../src/amf/gmm-handler.c:1324)
03/25 21:39:52.326: [smf] INFO: [Added] Number of SMF-UEs is now 1 (../src/smf/context.c:1019)
03/25 21:39:52.327: [smf] INFO: [Added] Number of SMF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/smf/context.c:3090)
03/25 21:39:52.331: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:39:52.332: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:39:52.332: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.333: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.333: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.334: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:39:52.342: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (SCP-discover) NF registered [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:39:52.346: [sbi] WARNING: [PCF] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [419a69cc-eaa4-41ee-8a01-d10531f1e6cd:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:39:52.346: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:39:52.346: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.346: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.347: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.347: [sbi] INFO: [PCF] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [419a69cc-eaa4-41ee-8a01-d10531f1e6cd:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:39:52.348: [sbi] WARNING: [UDR] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:39:52.348: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:39:52.349: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.349: [sbi] INFO: [UDR] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:39:52.350: [sbi] WARNING: [UDR] (SCP-discover) NF has already been added [4199dfa2-eaa4-41ee-92fa-a9d99a609a0f:2] (../lib/sbi/path.c:216)
03/25 21:39:52.351: [sbi] WARNING: [BSF] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [4190b508-eaa4-41ee-84c2-851c47f6e952:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:39:52.351: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:39:52.351: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.351: [sbi] INFO: [BSF] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [4190b508-eaa4-41ee-84c2-851c47f6e952:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:39:52.352: [sbi] WARNING: [BSF] (SCP-discover) NF has already been added [4190b508-eaa4-41ee-84c2-851c47f6e952:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:216)
03/25 21:39:52.353: [sbi] INFO: [PCF] (SCP-discover) NF registered [419a69cc-eaa4-41ee-8a01-d10531f1e6cd:1] (../lib/sbi/path.c:211)
03/25 21:39:52.353: [smf] INFO: UE SUPI[imsi-001010000000000] DNN[internet] IPv4[] IPv6[] (../src/smf/npcf-handler.c:542)
03/25 21:39:52.354: [gtp] INFO: gtp_connect() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:60)
03/25 21:39:52.359: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (NRF-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1162)
03/25 21:39:52.359: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:2210)
03/25 21:39:52.360: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.360: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.360: [sbi] WARNING: NF EndPoint(addr) updated [] (../lib/sbi/context.c:1946)
03/25 21:39:52.360: [sbi] INFO: [UDM] (NF-discover) NF Profile updated [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:1] (../lib/sbi/nnrf-handler.c:1200)
03/25 21:39:52.362: [sbi] WARNING: [UDM] (SCP-discover) NF has already been added [41918884-eaa4-41ee-ac2d-15ec8e524490:2] (../lib/sbi/path.c:216)
03/25 21:39:52.362: [amf] INFO: [imsi-001010000000000:1:11][0:0:NULL] /nsmf-pdusession/v1/sm-contexts/{smContextRef}/modify (../src/amf/nsmf-handler.c:867)

The Open5GS U-Plane2 log when executed is as follows.

03/25 21:39:52.339: [upf] INFO: [Added] Number of UPF-Sessions is now 1 (../src/upf/context.c:208)
03/25 21:39:52.339: [gtp] INFO: gtp_connect() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:60)
03/25 21:39:52.339: [upf] INFO: UE F-SEID[UP:0x423 CP:0x2af] APN[internet] PDN-Type[1] IPv4[] IPv6[] (../src/upf/context.c:485)
03/25 21:39:52.339: [upf] INFO: UE F-SEID[UP:0x423 CP:0x2af] APN[internet] PDN-Type[1] IPv4[] IPv6[] (../src/upf/context.c:485)
03/25 21:39:52.343: [gtp] INFO: gtp_connect() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:60)

The TUNnel interface uesimtun0 is created as follows.

# ip addr show
10: uesimtun0: <POINTOPOINT,PROMISC,NOTRAILERS,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1400 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500
    inet scope global uesimtun0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::16be:3525:76dc:4db3/64 scope link stable-privacy 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Ping google.com going through DN= on U-Plane2

Confirm by using tcpdump that the packet goes through if=ogstun on U-Plane2.

# ping google.com -I uesimtun0 -n
PING google.com ( from uesimtun0: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=70.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=38.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=61 time=42.2 ms

The tcpdump log on U-Plane2 is as follows.

21:42:00.636794 IP > ICMP echo request, id 7, seq 1, length 64
21:42:00.704277 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 7, seq 1, length 64
21:42:01.638330 IP > ICMP echo request, id 7, seq 2, length 64
21:42:01.674356 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 7, seq 2, length 64
21:42:02.638285 IP > ICMP echo request, id 7, seq 3, length 64
21:42:02.679587 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 7, seq 3, length 64

Note. Make sure the packet does not go through U-Plane1.

I was able to confirm the very simple configuration in which one UE connects to the UPF based on S-NSSAI. I would like to thank the excellent developers and all the contributors of Open5GS and UERANSIM.

Changelog (summary)