This free boilerplate allows creating a working SaaS web application. Please file all the information on our website:
Currently, the boilerplate works with Python 3.5.
All features/functions are put into separate structures, often front-end and back-end side-by-side. The whole project is divided into the following parts:
Based on Flask blueprint, it allows separating parts of an application that are significantly different each from another and requires a different level of authentication/authorization.
Modules are the code that can't be decoupled and should go together: front-end and back-end. They both belong to the same functionality and front-end often calls endpoints from the same module's back-end.
The API endpoints will be imported and registered in the dashboard blueprint automatically.
If back-end requires to initialize some extension using init_api() this function should be provided at the .py code and will be called automatically.
Contains the server-side API and ReactJS components.
Registration page on a normal computer screen
Registration page on a mobile screen
Confirmation page on a mobile screen
Is used for the token authentication. The component has the API server-side part and JS file with functions called automatically. In our implementation we use cookie-based token as for it's most safe method of using tokens at the moment.
It has just 4 functions:
This file is referred in the Auth jsx component and it's only purpose is to add the interceptor in all the following requests done by axios. You don't need to call it directly.
Contains demo views for alerts.
Currently, only one error (404, file not found) is currently handled. When a user enters a non-existing URL (for example, /app/blabla), the error will be shown:
Contains one endpoint /app/api/profile with 2 methods:
Simple view to update the current user's username:
Components are ReactJS piece of code, sometimes accompanied by CSS. Doesn't have any back-end part. Note. This is just description of components, all documentation can be found for each component in its folder.
Styled block with and icon and text. There are 4 types of alerts:
Tip You can set up if you want an alert to disappear after a required number of seconds (see documentation for details).
Dropdown menu is used in the header of the dashboard. It's based on a simple JSON structure, for example this data
const topMenu = [
{title: 'Profile', url: '/app/profile', component: lazy(() => import('@src/modules/profile/ProfileView'))},
{title: 'Change password', url: '/app/password', component: lazy(() => import('@src/modules/password/ChangePasswordUI'))},
{divider: true},
{title: 'Logout', url: '/api/auth/logout', method: 'post', redirectUrl: '/auth/login'}
will generate the following menu:
Responsive, collapsible menu with any amount of items on each level. You create it just filling up the JSON data file:
groupTitle: 'Demo',
items: [
title: 'Alerts',
icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
color: 'yellow',
url: '/app/demo/alerts',
component: lazy(() => import('@src/modules/componentsDemo/AlertDemoView'))
Note. If you prefer you can import component separately and assign it excplicitly in the menu data structure.
Menu when expanded and collapsed
Menu on the small screen
Just small piece of HTML containing link to our website (SaaSForge). You may remove it but you can't replace it wit your own brand.
Can be used for the sending transactional email. Example of using:
from import service as email_service
email_service.send_email(, get_config_var('COMPANY_NAME') + ': Confirm your registration',
Some important utils are located in /src/shared/utils folder.
Contains functions to update database based on the current db_models. Automatically finds all models. Don't call this function directly, it can be called implicitly using the following script:
flask dbupdate
Contains the instances of extensions to be used in different files. All of them are inited in the app factory.
Contains several functions used globally. Some of them are also available for using in jinja.
Safely returns the corresponding app.config[var_name]
if found, else None.
Example of using in jinja HTML layout:
Takes an errors object (like {'error1': 'Text of error 1', 'error2': 'Error 2'}
) and returns a single string containing all the error texts.
If some error (non-handled exception) occured it handles and returns the following page:
To protect endpoints and make them accessible only if user is authenticated, use this wrapper. Currently, it wraps JWT wrapper, but you can easily change it to anything else. Example of using:
from src.shared.utils.user_auth_wrapper import login_required
class retrieve_user_profile(Resource):
def get(self):
This function wraps JWT get_jwt_identity and returns the current user's id what can be easily used for getting any data associated with the current user:
from src.shared.utils.user_auth_wrapper import get_current_user_id
class retrieve_user_profile(Resource):
def get(self):
current_user_id = get_current_user_id()
current_user = db_user_service.get_user_by_id(current_user_id)
Contains the following tables:
When done any changes to the tables including adding new tables run the following command from the terminal:
flask dbupdate
Note. Make sure your environment variables has the following var: FLASK_APP=application else it wount work.
Note 2. Don't forget to add db_url variable with URL to your database to the environment variables.
Tip. When this command runs for the first time it creates all the tables as well as 2 roles: User and Admin.
def init_app(app):
Note. If you need to use some extension there, the same create a function init_app that will be called automatically.
Using in Python (in html files): For example, to specify path to a resource in some component:
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{{ url_for("custom_static",
filename="shared/components/media_component/favicon.ico") }}" />
from src.shared.utils.global_functions import get_config_var
This function also can be safely used in jinja HTML files:
Use axios(link) for making requests. For example (asynchronous way):
import axios from 'axios';
componentDidMount = async()=> {
// Load user data
try {
let response = await axios.get('/app/api/profile');
if ({
this.setState({ username:});
} else {
this.setState({ status: 'error', message: || 'Some error occured during this request... please try again.' });
} catch {
this.setState({ status: 'error', message: 'Some error occured during this request... please try again.' });
Before start make sure you have installed Python 3 and Node.js. Please follow the official instructions. Also, you need to have a PostgreSQL database handy. If you don't want to install it you can use ElephantSQL service, they have a free plan:
Download the full zip or pull code from the repository, find full instruction in Github documentation
Add necessarily environment variables (you can add them into /venv/scripts/activate file or into .env in the root folder):
Note. At least 2 first variables MUST be set up (FLASK_APP and db_url) else the installation script wont' work.
JWT_SECRET_KEY and SECRET_KEY are just strings that not easy to guess, for example, it may be 'My Co0LServ_ice'.
Tip. If you are puzzled how and why .env is used please read this explanation on Stackoverflow
For any problem happening during execution of this command please see the section Troubleshooting below.
:warning: Warning! This command will first drop ALL tables in your database. (You can comment this part if you wish, see /src/shared/utils/db_scaffold, line 25.)
* Serving Flask app "application"
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
If you prefer to go through the installation process manually, please refer steps from the according version of init file in the root folder.
After you change something in your database models you should update the database itself. It can be done easily with the following command:
flask dbupdate
Note. If you added some code including changes done into your model, and then run flask dbupdate and see some weird errors like Error: no such command "dbupdate" it means you have a compilation error. Try to run your code and see if there any errors, fix them and try to update the database again. To make sure there are not compilation errors, run the following command:
flask run
Note 2. Another reason for this error can be that you didn't add the following environment variable:
:warning: Warning. If you work on the same codebase from different computers and update the same database you will experience Alembic migration conflicts. The error usually says
alembic.util.exc.CommandError: Target database is not up to date.
alembic.util.exc.CommandError: Can't locate revision identified by 'somenumber'
If you experience such errors:
Sometimes, if you use Mac OS you can experience some problems with installing the boilerplate.
When you try to execute if you see the following error " Command not found" go to the boilerplate's root folder and run
Then, if you see "./ permission denied" run:
sudo chmod 755 ''
When the script is running you may see the error during installation some Python packages like "Error: pg_config executable not found."
You need to fix this problem because script won't execute beyond. To fix this problem run
brew install postgresql
If you see any other problem with installation packages it can prevent from working script normally so you have to fix all this problems.
If you build and run the project but then you see the following exception: ImportError: No module named 'psycopg2._psycopg' uninstall and install the module back:
pip uninstall psycopg2
pip install psycopg2
docker-compose up
There are 2 places to set up your company name:
This free SaaS app boilerplate was create by SaaS Forge Inc.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 SaaS Forge Inc.
If you experience any difficulties, or have any questions on using of this product, or find a bug please open an issue or drop us a line at
We provide this boilerplate as is, and we make no promises or guarantees about it.
There are many ways to do it:
Sergio Rovira @sgr0691
:heart: THANKS! :heart: