saasitive / django-react-boilerplate

DIY Django + React Boilerplate for starting your SaaS
MIT License
592 stars 88 forks source link
django django-rest-framework docker-compose letsencrypt nginx postgresql react-redux react-router reactjs

DIY Django and React Boilerplate for SaaS

It is a do-it-yourself Django + React Boilerplate for starting your SaaS application. In existing boilerplates for Django+React (or just for Django), there are very often too many features provided (do you really need traffik for MVP?). So before starting, you need to remove a lot of functionality that you don't need or simply don't understand.

I decided to create a simple Django+React boilerplate with step-by-step instructions on how to build it. During building, you can decide what you need or not. And for sure, you learn a lot about Django and React. I hope it will provide a good and quick starting point for creating SaaS applications. I want to create real SaaS applications based on this boilerplate with step-by-step tutorials on how they were created. They will be available on SaaSitive website.

Features (already implemented or planned)

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Starting SaaS with Django and React (tag v1)
  2. React Routing and Components for Signup and Login (tag v2)
  3. Token Based Authentication with Django Rest Framework and Djoser (tag v3)
  4. React Token Based Authentication to Django REST API Backend (tag v4)
  5. React Authenticated Component (tag v5)
  6. CRUD in Django Rest Framework and React (tag v6)
  7. Docker-Compose for Django and React with Nginx reverse-proxy and Let's encrypt certificate (tag v7)
  8. Django Rest Framework Email Verification (tag v8)
  9. Django Rest Framework Reset Password (tag v9)

More articles coming soon!
