saayam-for-all / database

Both saaaym-web and saayam-mobile apps would use a common DB. This repo contains all DB specific code and content.
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The Saayam

Saayam means that help in Telugu, one of the south indian languages. The app purpose is to provide help for the needy person.The type of help can including but not limited to food,shelter,education like non emergency help.Please note this application NOT purposed to override the existing emergeny application that are provided by governments. Any emergency help to called out to local regulatory bodies like 911.


RDBMS Dataabse preferred a as backend database over the NoSQL Database engine. RDBMS stores data into a logical way and accessed through SQL programming. Decision to use Fully managed RDS Engine Amazon Aurora with Postgres compatiblity. This database aims to hold the request details from the help and voulunteers/donors who are fulfiling the equests. Voluteers acts as bridge between requestor and helpers

List of tables

user or volunteer tables

Table Name Description
user Contains basic information related to users like contact# , addresss..
usr_idnty contains information related tp users personal information , The attribute which contains PII to be encrypted
usr_typ Contains user type information look up table for user.
usr_skils contains sill information related to user or volunteer. The skills may tech or non-technical skills
usr_status contains the status of the user/volunterr like active , inactive , suspended , verification in progress or deleted.

Request tables

Table Name Description
req_type List of request type like Food , Shelter , Eductaion.
request Here is a place the user/ volunteers raise saayam request for them self or for the another person
request_sts_typ Contains list of request types.

Look up tables

Table Name Description
priority contains priority types
SLA Governing SLA Types
action This lookup table contains the action details corresponding to the request details
Skill_lst Contains the ;ist of skills both technical and non tech skils.
conuntry List of countries. }
state List of states corresponding to the countries.
idnty_typ Govt issued ID Proofs. Since it holds only identity type it doesn't need any encrption.

Script Execution Order

Script Name Execution Order Description
ddl_action.sql 1 To categorize the list of action served by the user , volunteers or donars.
ddl_regions.sql 1 To retain the list of regions currently serving.
ddl_priority.sql 1 To identify and categorize priority of the user's requests.
ddl_sla.sql 1 To identify and categerize the list of Service Level Agreements.
ddl_usr_typ.sql 1 To identigy snf categorize the group of users.Possible user types are Volunteers , donors, members.
ddl_user_status.sql 1 This table stores the statuses of each users.Available users statuses are Active , Inactive.
ddl_skill_lst_10.sql 1 To hold the master list of skillsets.
ddl_cntry.sql 2 To categorize the list of countries currently serving.
ddl_state_lkp.sql 3 To identigy and categorize the list of states currently serving.
ddl_idnty_typ.sql 3 To Hold the list of government issued Identity documents.
ddl_user.sql 3 This table stores the details of all type of users like Donors ,Volunteers.
user_skills.sql 4 To Map users with their skills list.

saayam - Physical data model