sabszh / EER-chatbot-UI

Repo for chatbot made for the EER group
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EER (Experiencing, Experimenting, Reflecting) Chatbot

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Developed with the software and tools below.

Streamlit Python

## Overview This project implements a chatbot utilizing retrieval mechanisms (RAG) to serve as a question-answering assistant. It leverages excerpts from transcripts of Zoom meetings pertaining to the [EER]( project. NB: For timescale version of app, see here: --- ## Repository Structure ```sh └── / ├── ├── requirements.txt └── src ├── ├── ├── ├── └── timescale ``` --- ## Modules
. | File | Summary | | --- | --- | | [requirements.txt]( | This `requirements.txt` ensures the application's compatibility and functionality by defining necessary Python packages for the data processing and web application modules of the repository. | |
src | File | Summary | | --- | --- | | []( | The `` within this repository sets up a chatbot leveraging Pinecone index and HuggingFace embeddings for document search, with custom prompt templates for the EER Project's inquiries. | | []( | Core interface of the chatbot, allowing user to select AI models and adjust interaction parameters within a Streamlit-based web app. | | []( | The script `` within the repo transforms raw transcript files into a structured CSV format, handling various timestamp styles and creating a standardized naming and storage schema. | | []( | The module is responsible for extracting and preparing text data from various document types within a document processing pipeline. |
--- ## Getting Started ***Requirements*** Ensure you have the following dependencies installed on your system: * **Python**: `version 3.x.x` * **API Keys**: Obtain API keys for Hugging Face and Pinecone. ### Installation 1. Clone the repository: ```sh git clone ``` 2. Change to the project directory: ```sh cd ``` 3. Install the dependencies: ```sh pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 4. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following: ```sh HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY=your_huggingface_api_key PINECONE_API_KEY=your_pinecone_api_key TIMESCALE_API_KEY=your_timescale_api_key ``` ### Running Use the following command to run streamlit app locally using Pinecone index: ```sh streamlit run src/ ``` Use the following command to run streamlit app locally using Timescale index: ```sh streamlit run src/timescale/ ```