sachinsenal0x64 / dotfiles

🏖️ Minimal Arch Qtile & Hyperland Rice
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archlinux dotfiles gpu-monitoring linux port-forwarding qtile rice scripts unixporn wm

I don't recommend Qtile dotfiles as they have huge performance issues. Currently, I'm using Hyperland with optimized minimal dotfiles that are 10x times faster than Qtile. I will update as soon as possible.


Category Software Themes / Configuration
🏖️ OS Arch Linux Pywal
🏖️ Window Manager Qtile with X11
🏖️ Compositor Picom (Arian8j2/picom)

Note: Currently i don't use
🏖️ Terminal Wezterm Gruvbox
🏖️ Color Schemes GTK and QT Rose Pine
🏖️ Text Editors Neovim Gruvbox
🏖️ Bar Polybar Pywal
🏖️ Multiplexer Zellij
🏖️ Terminal File Manager Yazi Crystal
🏖️ Shell Fish
🏖️ Git clis Git
🏖️ Prompt Starship Nerd Fonts
🏖️ Notification Dunst Rose Pine
🏖️ Fonts JetBrainsMono NF & JetBrainsMono NF Medium
🏖️ Browsers Firefox Pywalfox
Thorium with Vimium Rose Pine GTK
🏖️ Players MPV
🏖️ Custom Scripts ADB SMS Recevier
NAT Type Opener + Share Your Internet
Wallapaper Changer
Github Notification Receiver
Network Status Checker
🏖️ SSH Console Waveterm