safijari / Reshadeck

Reshade Shader Loader for Decky Plugin Loader for the handheld Steam Game Loader
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 1 forks source link


Reshade Shader Loader for Decky Plugin Loader for the handheld Steam Game Loader. It ships with a small curated set of shaders. More shaders can be added at the ~/.local/share/gamescope/reshade/Shaders folder such that the .fx files are in the root of the Shaders folder. Then you can pick and apply the shader using the plugin.

You can also designate shaders as a "screensaver" (one that blacks the screen out is included by default). Screensaver shaders start with "SS_" in their name, are enabled by pushing the aptly labeled button, and will stop running if the Deck is moved, a button is pressed, trackpad or stick activity, or the Deck is put to suspend.

Example Screenshot


A note on Deck OLED Fringing Patterns

The subpixel pattern of the Steam Deck OLED (Samsung screen at least), leads to some fringing that is visible to a small minority of people. It is possible to largely eliminate this fringing using a shader. That shader is included by default in this plugin.

Places to find more shaders