sagivf / rjq-ui

RethinkDB Job Queue UI
6 stars 2 forks source link

RethinkDB Job Queue UI

Get insights to your queue job statuses


$ npm install

$ npm start // (data fetch for `.env.development`)

$ npm run build

$ npm run release

Middleware usage

Standalone usage

All Options are optional and default to local setup
node ./bin/www --db-name=<job queue db name> --db-host=<host address> --db-user=<sb user name> --db-password=<db password> --db-port=<db port> --db-certfile=<db certificate file>

Standalone example with db instance - docker

1) Find IP and add change DB_HOST in .env - sudo ip addr show docker0 2) run - docker-compose up --scale consumer=3 --scale ui=1 --scale publisher=1 3) Locate rjq-ui IP - docker inspect rjqui_ui_1 | grep IPAddress(:3000) 4) Locate RethinkDB admin ui IP - docker inspect rjqui_ui_1 | grep IPAddress(:8080)

Standalone example db instance - nanobox

Based on:

1) install nanobox 2) nanobox run, nanobox run dry-run, nanobox remote add app-name, nanobox deploy