sahama / pyramid_i18n_helper

helper to create new smgid and translate msgid to local langs
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Pyramid I18N Helper

This is a helper for internationalization and localization in Pyramid <>_


This package add 3 view to your pyramid based application:

in /translate you see available domains and also you can create new domain.

in /translate/{domain} you can edit pot file for selected domain.

in /translate/{domain}/{lang} you can translate msgid to selected lang in selected domain. also you can update po file from pot file.

additional object

This package add Babel <>_ locale object to request. This package use Pyramid_flash_message <>_ to handle flash messages.

collecting msgids

you can also use auto collect msgids. for this set i18n_helper.collect_msgid = true in your project config file. by enabling auto collect. new msgids for any domain add to its own pot file. even if pot file for specific is not available it will create automatically

translation directory

you can specify translation directory in config file via i18n_helper.locale_dir


.. code-block:: bash

pip install pyramid_i18n_helper

add then add this package to your application

.. code-block:: ini

pyramid.includes =


.. code-block:: python


now user with i18n_helper permission can access this pages.


You can use project issue page <>_ to submit your issue

Khown Issues


v 0.3.5

v 0.3.4

v 0.3.3

v 0.3.2

v 0.3.1

v 0.3.0

v 0.2.14

v 0.2.13

v 0.2.11

v 0.2.9

v 0.2.8

v 0.2.7

v 0.2.6

v 0.2.5

v 0.2.4

v 0.2.3

v 0.2

v 0.1

v 0.0