sahara101 / Movie-Roulette

Python App which chooses a random movie from your movie library.
MIT License
79 stars 1 forks source link


Forked from

Movie Roulette

Docker container which chooses a random movie from your Plex and/or Jellyfin movie libraries. Cinema Posters function added.

Breaking change v1.6.1 - v2.0 check new compose file

Tested Players



image image



Cinema Poster

image image


I am no programmer! Code is expanded with help of ChatGPT a bit and mostly ClaudeAI. Feel free to modify the code as you please. Also, open to criticism ;)


How to get the Plex token:

How to get the Jellyfin API: Administration - Dashboard - API Keys - +

How to get the Jellyfin UserID: Profile - check the URL - copy the userId string

    container_name: movie-roulette
      #Homepage ENV
      #Plex ENV
      PLEX_URL: ""
      PLEX_TOKEN: ""
      PLEX_MOVIE_LIBRARIES: "Filme" #Default movies, add more with comma delimiter A,B,C
      #Poster ENV
      TZ: "Europe/Bucharest"
      DEFAULT_POSTER_TEXT: "My Cool Cinema"
      PLEX_POSTER_USERS: "" #Plex username, add more with comma delimiter A,B,C
      JELLYFIN_POSTER_USERS: "" #Jellyfin username, add more with comma delimiter A,B,C
      #Jellyfin ENV
      JELLYFIN_URL: " "
      #Client ENV
      APPLE_TV_ID: " " 
      LGTV_IP: " " 
      LGTV_MAC: " "
    network_mode: host
      - ./movie_roulette_data:/app/data
    restart: unless-stopped

If you do not have an Apple TV you can also change the container network type.

Default container port is 4000

Posters are under :4000/poster

The power button displays the devices dynamically, meaning you HAVE to add the APPLE_TV_ID ENV in order to see the corresponding button and both LGTV_IP and LGTV_MAC for LG.

A switch between services is displayed if both Jellyfin and Plex are configured. Last used service will be remembered.

Homepage Mode

Added the option to remove all buttons. This way you can have a more minimalistic Homepage Widget using iFrames. ENV for this is HOMEPAGE_MODE: TRUE Of course you can use the iFrame with full functionality as well, or even pick and choose from the miscellaneous part. Just change the ENV to HOMEPAGE_MODE: FALSE or modify #Miscellaneous.

Add the following config to the Homepage services.yml

- Movie Roulette:
    - Movie Roulette:
        icon: /images/icons/movie-roulette.png
          type: iframe
          src: "<url>"
          classes: movie-roulette # optional, use tailwind height classes
          referrerPolicy: same-origin # optional, no default
          allowPolicy: autoplay; fullscreen; gamepad # optional, no default


.movie-roulette {
    width: 100%;
    height: 380px; /* Set your desired height here */
    border: none; /* Optional: remove the border */

You can configure the widget to your liking, check the Homepage documentation.

PWA Support

Since version 1.3.1 you can 'install' as a webapp. On iOS go to share - add to homescreen. On Mac go to Safari File - add to dock. In Chrome you will see an install button.


First Use

!important! - Your client devices and plex need to be in the same network. On the first start a cache file for plex will be created which will make the movies load faster.

Plex Client Config

Navigate to settings and set 'Advertise as player' to 'On'

Plex Server Config

Navigate to settings - network and activate 'Enable local network discovery (GDM)'

Apple TV

Get the Apple TV ID

First start the container without adding the ID ENV since you do not have it yet.

docker exec -ti random-plex-movie /bin/sh
atvremote scan

Note down the Apple TV Identifier, usually the first long one: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Add it to the container ENV and restart it with docker-compose up -d

Pair with Apple TV

You will see a PIN on the Apple TV which you need to type in the docker sh

docker exec -ti random-plex-movie /bin/sh
atvremote --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --protocol companion pair
Enter PIN on screen: 
Pairing seems to have succeeded, yey!


Get the TV IP and MAC and set them up in the ENV. You can see both in the TV settings. If you want to copy the MAC just ping the TV followed by the linux command ip neigh show

Press the TURN ON DEVICE button and select your LGTV (webOS). A magic packet will be sent and the TV will turn on. Accept the new connection. This will store the connection details in the container.

Cinema Posters

Playing a movie through movie roulette and also outside movie roulette from Plex/Jellyfin clients will show the movie poster with playing status, start/end time, progress bar and PG/Audio/Video information. Poster is to be found under :4000/poster URL.

Playing statuses are the following: NOW PLAYING, PAUSED, ENDED and STOPPED.

After a 5 minute timeout in STOPPED state a default poster will be shown. You can choose what text is displayed. I tested with max 3 words.

It is recommended to set the browser in full-screen mode.

!!IMPORTANT: I do not have a vertical monitor so could NOT test how the default and movie posters behave. It works for me on my laptop in landscape and on my tablet in landscape and portrait.



Issue: Pressing the WATCH button does not show any client.


Issue: Pressing the WATCH button does nothing.

Issue: Apple TV does not turn on

Issue: The browser does not load the poster and background.