saharki / icqueue

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Simple consuming and publishing from/to RabbitMQ.

Declarative API to consume from a rabbitMQ queue and to perform publish operations.

Example usage

const ICQueue = require('icqueue');

var config = {
  url: process.env.AMQP_URL,
  exchange: process.env.AMQP_EXCHANGE,
  queue: {
    name: process.env.AMQP_CONSUME,
    routingKey: process.env.AMQP_ROUTING_KEY, // If supplied, queue is bound to
    // this key (or keys) on the exchange. NB Can be an array of strings or just
    // a string.
    options: {/* ... */} // Advanced: options passed to ch.assertQueue() in wrapped `amqplib`.
  // Set the QOS/prefetch (defaults to 1)
  prefetch: 100

const icq = new ICQueue(config);

async function main () {
  // Must call this before you consume/publish/etc...
  await icq.connect();

  // Consuming
  var handleMessage = function(message, callback) {
    //... Do things
  // You must call:
  callback(err, requeue)
  // in your handleMessage. If `err` !== `null` then the message will be `nack`ed.
  // Requeueing will be requeue iff `requeue` is `true`.
  // If `err` is `null` then the message is `ack`ed.
  // If an exception occurs in handleMessage, then the message is `nack`ed and not requeued.

  // Start consuming:

  // Publishing to arbitrary routing key.
  await icq.publish(routingKey, payload, options);

If payload is an object, it will be turned into JSON.


This is a wrapper to (amqplib).


Start a rabbit server, preferably a 'throw away' one with fresh state. You can do this like so if you have docker:

docker run -d --rm -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq

Wait for it to finish starting up, then:

npm test

Note that tests/config.js currently assumes you are using boot2docker (on a Mac) so you may need to hack that stuff (or it may just work as it should just use localhost if it's not there... unproven though.)



Class to contain an instantiated connection/channel to AMQP with a given config.

Kind: global class

new ICQueue(config)

Instantiate an AMQP wrapper with a given config.

Param Type
config object
config.url string string
config.queue object string
config.queue.routingKey Array.<string> | string
config.queue.options object

icqueue.connect() ⇒ Promise

Connects, establishes a channel, sets up exchange/queues/bindings/dead lettering.

Kind: instance method of ICQueue

icqueue.close() ⇒ Promise

Closes connection.

Kind: instance method of ICQueue

icqueue.publish(routingKey, message, options) ⇒ Promise

Publish a message to the given routing key, with given options.

Kind: instance method of ICQueue

Param Type
routingKey string
message object | string
options object

icqueue.consume(handleMessage, options) ⇒ Promise

handleMessage() is expected to be of the form: handleMessage(parsedMessage, callback). If callback is called with a non-null error, then the message will be nacked. You can call it like: callback(err, requeue) in order to instruct rabbit whether to requeue the message (or discard/dead letter).

If not given, requeue is assumed to be false.


Kind: instance method of ICQueue

Param Type
handleMessage function
options object