sahilrahmann / Terrorism-Analysis-with-Insights

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Terrorism Analysis with Insights


Protective vehicles are less in numbers with the Army and are distributed uniformly across the area. Similarly, Explosive Detection Dogs ( ED Dogs ) are only less in the entire country. This web application can be used as a Predictive Analysis tool to find the trendline of each kind of Attack ( Bombing, Assassination, Etc.). This tool help in finding the concentration of Attack type - Bombing in the area which would help in allocation of the resources. Visualizing the data gives clear patterns about the data and makes it easy for the analysis. There are two components:

1. Map Tool -> It is used to generate a Scatter Geo Map with markers for highlighting the latitude/longitude where the incident happened based on combinations of Month, Day, Attack Type, Region, Country, State and City, and filter the 9 Type of Attacks ( Bombing, Assassination, Kidnapping, Etc.). Clicking and hovering of the mouse show pieces of information.

2. Chart Tool -> It is used to show the Stacked Line Chart images of the frequency of terrorist incidents each year. One can Group first by (Country Attacked, Region, Target Nationality, Target Type, Type of Attack, Weapon Type, Terrorist Organisation) with a search based on the selected Group. Both the components are available separately for the World and India.

Click here to see the running application

Two Types of visualization have been used:

Dataset: In this project, the dataset has approximately 1,90,000 records.

Tools used: Python programming language has been used for the development of this project, whereas Dash and Plotly are the critical components used to form the UI (User Interface) for the webpage and Bootstrap has been used for the styling purpose.

Map Tool -> World Map Tool UI


Map Tool -> India Map Tool UI


Chart Tool -> World Chart Tool UI


Chart Tool -> India Chart Tool UI


Modal/Popup UI
