saif-ellafi / foundryvtt-minimal-ui

Foundry VTT Module. Configurable UI module, allows the user to hide, collapse or auto-hide components separately.
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JV's Minimal UI for FoundryVTT

Extremely Configurable UI module, allows the user to hide, collapse or auto-hide components separately.

This includes hiding Foundry's Logo, Players List, Scene Navigation and Macro Bar.

Created by: JeansenVaars - If you like this, invite me a Coffee :)

This module was made for free, with joy, hard work, to be shared with a wonderful community, and tons of Coffee :D!


(Minimal UI + Window Controls) img.png

Compatibility issues?

I work on this module based on my personal preferences, and of course share it with others because I love doing so!

Having said that, I only use a small limited subset of modules myself, and making modules work with others out there takes work, which I am usually honestly not motivated to do. Do consider inviting me a Coffee and let me know which one doesn't work for you, I'll be more inspired afterwards :)

Do track the issue however, it is good that it is not forgotten, or of course feel welcome to submit a pull request that makes it work and I'll happily accept it and give credits.

If you are a Module developer, do consider being Minimal UI Friendly. In terms of colors, this snippet may help you when sharing the colors that Minimal UI settings apply:

if (game.modules.get('minimal-ui')?.active) {
  const rootStyle = document.querySelector(':root').style;
  rootStyle.setProperty('--any1-color-property', game.settings.get('minimal-ui', 'shadowColor'));
  rootStyle.setProperty('--any2-color-property', game.settings.get('minimal-ui', 'borderColor'));


Special Minimal UI Module Companions

Window Controls

Scene Preview

Sidebar and Chat Resizer

Minimal UI Features

Foundry Logo

Player List

Right Side Panel

Scene Navigation

Macro Hotbar

Left Side Control Buttons

Camera Panel


Patches to Foundry

These are bugs in FoundryVTT that are not currently addressed but are more obvious when using Minimal UI

By JeansenVaars



Check out my other modules!

Support with Systems and Modules

MinimalUI is made as agnostic as possible. Yet, it is impossible to ensure maximum compatibility. I invite you to share any systems or modules that conflict with MinimalUI or do not look correctly. Also do share systems and modules Minimal UI already works with too!

Build from Source

Plugins: rollup, rollup-plugin-css-porter, npm-build-zip Build Script: npm run build


MIT License

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Thanks to JetBrains I can work on this project using WebStorm.