sail-repos / PRIMA

This is the implementation repository of our ICSE 2021 paper: Prioritizing Test Inputs for Deep Neural Networks via Mutation Analysis.
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This is the implementation repository of our ICSE 2021 paper: Prioritizing Test Inputs for Deep Neural Networks via Mutation Analysis.


To relieve the labeling-cost problem, we propose a novel test input prioritization approach for DNNs via intelligent mutation analysis, called PRIMA. PRIMA considers both model mutation and input mutation based on the following two key insights: 1) If a test input can kill many mutated models (by slightly changing the model under test), indicating that the test input can test the model sufficiently, the test input is likely to reveal DNN bugs. 2) If many mutated test inputs from one test input (by slightly changing the test input) have different prediction results with the original one on the model under test, indicating that much information of the test input is effectively utilized by the model, the test input is sensitive to capture DNN bugs. They reflect the exploration degree of the test input to the DNN model under test and the test input itself, respectively. Based on the key insights, PRIMA consists of three steps: 1) we design a series of model mutation rules and input mutation rules, and PRIMA obtains mutation results for each test input ; 2) PRIMA extracts a set of features from these mutation results for each test input in order to effectively utilize these mutation results to prioritize test inputs, 3) PRIMA adopts the framework of learning-to-rank to build a ranking model, which is able to intelligently utilize the extracted features, for prioritizing test inputs,



We strongly recommend using package above (especially using tensorflow-gpu)


Designed Features

type name domain
Model Gauss Fuzzing /
Neuron Effect Block /
Neuron Activation Inverse /
Weights Shuffling /
Input Pixel Gauss Fuzzing image
Pixel Color Reverse image
Coloring Pixel Black image
Coloring Pixel White image
Pixel Shuffling image
Character Shuffling nlp
Character Replacement nlp
Character Repetition nlp
Discrete Value Replacement form
Continuous Value Modification form


PRIMA contains 2 parts, 'input mutation' part, and 'model mutation' part. The results of both parts are features used for training in XGBOOST base learner.

input mutation

In the prioritization directory, we've got multiple files for feature extraction. We strongly recommend you using and for feature extraction. is the files where contains the path of your dataset and model, and necessary preprocessing procedures of your dataset. You can modify the path and the name of your dataset (or model) in this file, then you can using or


we've got multiple instructions in is really flexible, in this case, we only provided a version of example so that you can using it fluently.

python exp_id mutation_rule is used to acquire input mutants for image classification.

$exp_id$ is the name of your model-dataset pair, which can be set in, we've got 5 mutation_rule for image domain input, gauss stands for $Pixel\ Gauss\ Fuzzing$, shuffle stands for $Pixel\ Shuffling$, reverse stands for $Pixel\ Color\ Reverse$, white stands for $Coloring\ Pixel\ White$, black stands for $Coloring\ Pixel\ Black$. If you want to mutate input for natural language input or form type input, please use and, and the instructions are similar.

Please note that you can modify the areas and pixels changing methods in according to your requirements. In most of our subjects, the size of the image is 32*32 , so we provide you with the input mutation parameters according to this regular size. If you have subject with larger image scale, you can change the setting parameters to fulfill your requirements.

After generating input mutants, you can use

python exp_id mutation_rule
python exp_id mutation_rule is used for predicting the probability vectors for feature extraction. test_case_num is the quantity of your dataset, we really recommend you using this parameter to guarantee this efficiency of mutation procedure. Please make sure that the exp_id, mutation_rule and test_case_num should be of consistency.

After you finish extract all input mutation features, please use to get the csv file of extracted features.

python feature_csv_conclusion.csv exp_id domain

Please note that, the parameter domain has 4 choices, which is 'input','nlp','form' and 'model'. In your input mutation process, if your model-dataset pair belongs to image domain, please use 'input', if your task is in natural language domain, please use 'nlp'; if your task is in form (predefined feature) domain, please use 'form'. Besides, if you are doing model mutation process, please use 'model'. Because each domain has its unique features and mutation rules.

model mutation

Please note that, model mutation requires modifying the weights of the model high efficiently. You can use provided mutation rules 'GF','NEB','NAI','WS' to get the mutants you want. This process can be implemented on your own or using related model mutation tools.

Please use generate model mutants BEFORE running

Feature extraction

input feature

After generating input mutants, you can use

python exp_id mutation_rule
python exp_id mutation_rule is used for predicting the probability vectors for feature extraction. test_case_num is the quantity of your dataset, we really recommend you using this parameter to guarantee this efficiency of mutation procedure. Please make sure that the exp_id, mutation_rule and test_case_num should be of consistency.

After you finish extract all input mutation features, please use to get the csv file of extracted features.

python feature_csv_conclusion.csv exp_id domain

Please note that, the parameter domain has 4 choices, which is 'input','nlp','form' and 'model'. In your input mutation process, if your model-dataset pair belongs to image domain, please use 'input', if your task is in natural language domain, please use 'nlp'; if your task is in form (predefined feature) domain, please use 'form'. Besides, if you are doing model mutation process, please use 'model'. Because each domain has its unique features and mutation rules.

PLEASE note that, for convenience, we put the input mutants generation part into together with the extraction part because these procedures are connected tightly.

model feature

After generating model mutants, you can use to acquire model mutants.

python exp_id mutation_rule
python exp_id mutation_rule

For model mutation, the mutation rules are 'GF','NEB','NAI','WS'

'GF' 'NEB','NAI','WS' stands for $Gauss\ Fuzzing$ , $Neuron\ Effect\ Block$, $Neuron\ Activation\ Inverse$, $Weights\ Shuffling$ respectively.

python exp_id domain

please use 'model' as the domain parameter to get model mutants features. It is generally used to get all types of model mutants (image,nlp, and predefined feature).

After this process , we can use the extracted features to train learn-to-rank model using XGBoost.

Learning-to-Rank using XGBoost

After acquiring the extracted features, we can use it to build learning-to-rank model.

In ltr directory, provides you with the methods to build the learning2rank model. is used to load test and validation features as well as other basic elements needed in building models.

After modifying the path of features in , you can directly run to tune the parameters. You can change the state_num and n_estimator(epochs) to find the parameters that reaches highest effectiveness. We recommend you using the existing parameters, because the result is relatively stable and uniformly good. can also save the ranking dict and the importance. We have already presented them in our essay. We would like to contribute the extracted features in the supplement materials to assist analyzing.


We conducted PRIMA on data-model above. Most of these data can be downloaded from their own page. More specifically, we collected

8 image datasets

5 text datasets

You can easily download and use these data from the link down below.


Additional Result

Due to the limited space of the article, we presented the entire result here in result directory.





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[5] TREC

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