sailfishos-flatpak / main

Documentation and issues
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Flatpak support for Sailfish OS

This is the repository for documentation and for filing issues against current implementation of Flatpak support for Sailfish OS.


Flatpak support requires changes in [libhybris](, merged in, support in kernel (PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, officially from 3.5), and wrapper program Flatpak Runner. As a result of these dependencies, the support is device-specific.

Current issues are listed at and, for Flatpak Runner, at . Notable limitations are due to limited support by Wayland compositor. In practice, KDE Plasma Mobile applications are supported best.

In general, running Flatpak applications and their management is similar to other Linux platforms. Exception is in use of Flatpak Runner for executing the applications. This allows to provide orientation information to the running applications and work around some limitations of the current Sailfish Lipstick.

Supported devices

Installation and usage

Assuming that your device has support for Flatpak, you need to enable repository with the Flatpak packages and install flatpak with flatpak-runner:

devel-su ssu addrepo rinigus-flatpak
devel-su pkcon refresh
devel-su pkcon install flatpak-runner

Start flatpak-runner either from app grid (shown as Flatpak) or from terminal (flatpak-runner without root). This will generate Hybris extension that is used to run applications. Note that the extension has to be refreshed after libhybris update (usually after Sailfish OS update). This can be done in flatpak-runner under Extension pulley menu action.

Reboot to finish installation.

Currently, it is only supported if you install and use Flatpaks from your home folder. This will avoid filling up system storage and will simplify of application installation. Add Flatpak repositories, such as Flathub:

flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub

For KDE apps:

flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists kdeapps

After that, install applications with flatpak install --user appname in terminal. It will ask few questions and install the application with its dependencies.

For Sailfish OS keyboard support, install

flatpak install --user org.kde.PlatformInputContexts.MaliitSailfishOS//5.14

Replace with //5.12 in the end if you wish to use 5.12 KDE runtime.

To get applications recognized by Lipstick, run flatpak-runner. The runner will also allow you to set application-specific and default environment variables, Qt scaling and perceived DPI.

To run applications, either launch them from app grid or run with


App specific tips

Difference between DPI and scale

As Sailfish devices are HiDPI, there are some times issues with presenting content. By default, Flatpak Runner sets DPI through Qt environment variable to force the same DPI as on the device. Alternatively, its possible to use scaling, as in openGL to stretch the output. For Qt apps, usually, there is no big difference on how to approach it as long as DPI times scale gives the same value. However, there are exceptions and its best to experiment with these settings if the app looks too big ot too small. In such cases, you could reduce or increase overall scale x dpi to make it feel right.

DPI and scaling can be changed in Flapak Runner, either globally or for specific app.

QtWebengine and related applications: Angelfish

It seems that QtWebengine (Qt 5.14) overshoots at high DPI values wih the scaling. So, I suggest to increase scaling and reduce DPI. On my device with ~430DPI, I am using 3x scaling and 120 DPI. This results in 360DPI/430DPI reduction in overall size which is my preference in this case.

Angelfish allows to setup your navigation bar buttons in Settings. While the default is based on KDE requirements, its easy to make it into the bar that we are used to. In my case, I have: tabs, back, address, and reload buttons. Menu buttons are hidden.

To get into the main and context menus (left and right menus by default), all you have to do is to slide your finger along bottom border of the screen. Depending on direction, you will get either main or context menu. As, at least in my case, menus were mainly used to access back and reload buttons, I don't have much use for them if the buttons are out. Note that the menu buttons will appear in landscape mode as there is more screen space over there.

Consider also using Reduce window when keyboard is shown to scale app window when the keyboard is shown. Its useful when input entries are shown under the keyboard. For example, find in page entry.


Similar to Angelfish, scale 3x and DPI 130 is used. It maybe due to older Qt that is used (5.12 for flatpaks at the moment of writing).

Its recommended to use Reduce window when keyboard is shown to be able to see your message while you type it.

Telegram Desktop

To make org.telegram.dekstop working add following environment variable: QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland. To set, in flatpak-runner, add new variable and specify its name as QT_QPA_PLATFORM and value as wayland.

Application development

For description of application development, see separate HOWTO.