sailfishos / sailfish-secrets

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
24 stars 15 forks source link

Sailfish Secrets

A storage and crypto API for using in Sailfish OS.

Brief Description:

The Secrets API allows clients to securely store data via a system daemon which delegates operations to plugins which are loaded into the system daemon process. Those plugins may optionally use a Secure Peripheral or Trusted Execution Environment application as their actual backend.

The Crypto API allows clients to perform cryptographic operations via the same system daemon which delegates operations to crypto plugins which are loaded into the system daemon process. Those plugins may optionally use a Secure Peripheral or Trusted Execution Environment application as their actual backend, and if the plugin also supports securely storing Secrets, the cryptographic operations may be performed without ever compromising the security of the secret keys (i.e., they are not returned to the client process address space, and in the case of Secure Peripheral or TEE application backends, they are not returned to the system daemon process address space after initial storage).


Secrets daemon

We have a system service (daemon) called sailfishsecretsd which listens to connections over peer-to-peer D-Bus and has two responsibilities:


Plugins for the secrets daemon

There is a set of default plugins that do not require the user to have special hardware and use standard free / open source solutions like OpenSSL and SQLCipher under the hood. These plugins ensure that every Sailfish OS user can benefit from the security and cryptography work that we are doing.

We also provide some example plugins to help the developers of secure peripherals get started easily and with less hassle.

There are quite a few different kinds of plugins which means that the API allows complete or partial customization of the daemon's behavior.

The default plugins are:

Other, example plugins:

A community-developed plugin exists to provide GnuPG functionality to clients, including:

Huge thanks for Damien Caliste for his ongoing work on this plugin and the framework more generally.

Secrets and Crypto Libraries

1. Client libraries

The Sailfish Secrets and Sailfish Crypto C++ (Qt) libraries expose the capability of the Sailfish OS Secrets and Crypto Framwork to client applications. They provide Qt-style APIs with request objects which emit appropriate signals upon operation completion, and which can be extended in the future without breaking binary or source compatibility. All IPC is hidden as an implementation detail, as the D-Bus APIs are NOT stable, and no compatibility guarantees are provided for those.

A QML API has also been implemented, allowing clients to utilize the Sailfish OS Secrets and Crypto Framework within QML applications, however this API should be considered experimental and subject to change at this time.

A (glib-based) C API has also been implemented, allowing clients to utilize the Sailfish OS Secrets and Crypto Framework within non-Qt applications, however this API should be considered experimental and subject to change at this time.

2. Plugin libraries

Extensibility points that can implement various functionality.



A CryptoPlugin may also implement the EncryptedStoragePlugin interface, in order to provide not just cryptographic operations (signing, encryption, etc) to clients, but also key generation and storage capabilities.

Build requirements:

For Sailfish OS:

  1. Standard MerSDK
  2. sqlcipher package installed into the target

For your Linux desktop:

  1. Qt 5.6.3 (downloadable from official Qt SDK, you need this exact version, because sailfish-secrets bundles qtsqlcipher, which depends on Qt internals that are not compatible between versions)
  2. sqlcipher package (installed from your distro's package manager)

If you wish to build the GnuPG plugins, you will need to install libgpg-error, gpgme-devel, and libassuan-devel.


  1. Clone the repo and go inside:

    git clone sailfish-secrets
    cd sailfish-secrets
  2. Run the usual build command for Sailfish OS projects:

    # inside Sailfish OS SDK prompt:
    mb2 build

Running the unit tests:

  1. Stop the secrets daemon if it is already running on the system

    systemctl --user stop sailfish-secretsd
  2. Run the secrets daemon in autotest mode with debugging enabled

    QT_LOGGING_RULES="*.debug=true" devel-su -p /usr/bin/sailfishsecretsd --test
  3. Run the secrets autotest

    devel-su -p /opt/tests/Sailfish/Secrets/tst_secrets
  4. Run the crypto autotest

    devel-su -p /opt/tests/Sailfish/Crypto/tst_crypto
  5. Run the cryptosecrets autotest

    devel-su -p /opt/tests/Sailfish/Crypto/tst_cryptosecrets
  6. Run the cryptorequests autotest

    devel-su -p /opt/tests/Sailfish/Crypto/tst_cryptorequests
  7. Run the manual system tests

    devel-su -p /opt/tests/Sailfish/Crypto/matrix/

Architectural Overview:

The client-facing API is primarily a thin wrapper around P2P DBus calls to the system daemon (sailfishsecretsd). That daemon manages a queue of incoming client requests for each separate domain (Secrets + Crypto), and handles the requests by performing some book-keeping (and, in the future, fine-grained access control) before delegating the request to the appropriate backend plugin.

In some cases, user interaction will be required to complete a request, and in those cases the daemon will manage a user interaction flow to retrieve the appropriate confirmation / lock code / secret key. The actual user interface shown to the user will either be provided by the Sailfish OS system (e.g., System User Interaction flow, where the secrets daemon will request the Lock Screen UI daemon to show the appropriate UI), or, in some special cases (e.g., application-specific data requests) the client application can provide the UI via a plugin.

                                      |    Secure   |
                                      |  Peripheral |
                                          ^    ^
                                          |    |
                                    r-----'    '------,
                                    |                 |
                                 +--^---+-------+ +---^---+-------+
                                 |crypto|plugins| |secrets|plugins|
  +---------------------+        +------+-------+-+-------+-------+
  |   Access Control    |<------<|                                |
  |   Daemon (future)   |>------>|                                |
  +---------------------+  DBus  |                                |
                                 |        sailfishsecretsd        |
  +---------------------+        |                                |
  |     Lock Screen     |<------<|                                |
  |       Daemon        |>------>|                                |
  | (SystemInteraction) |  DBus  |                                |
  +---------------------+        +--------------------------------+
                                     V ^            ^   ^
                                     | |            |   |
         r---------------------------' |            |   |
         | .---------------------------'            |   |
         | |               DBus                     |   |
         V ^                                        |   |
  +--------------------------+                      |   |
  |     Sailfish Secrets     |                      |   |
  |        UI Plugin         |                      |   |
  | (ApplicationInteraction) |                      |   |
  +--------------------------+  (Crypto API Call)   |   |
  |                          |        DBus          |   |
  |                          |>---------------------'   |
  |         Client           |                          |
  |        Application       |  (Secrets API Call)      |
  |                          |        DBus              |
  |                          |>-------------------------'

  * All DBus flows use P2P DBus (i.e. Unix Domain Sockets)
  * The system access control daemon is not yet implemented
    so currently access control is performed by the secrets
    daemon itself, based on which application created the
    secret (or collection of secrets) in question

Current Status:

The client C++ API is mostly stable, however it is expected that the implementation of the daemon (and potentially the plugin API) will change in the future as more use-cases and requirements are made known to us.

Extensions to the client API are also expected (for example, message authentication code operations, key exchange operations, certificate handling support, and supporting passing file descriptors as operation parameters), however these will be added in a binary and source compatible manner.

Known open work items:

It is expected that fixes will be able to be made without breaking either binary or source compatibility for client applications, due to the architecture of the framework and the way the C++ API was implemented.


Community contributions are very welcome, especially:

Please get in touch via IRC ( or email if you are willing to help out :-)

Huge thanks in particular to Damien Caliste who has contributed a variety of fixes, pointed out several API design flaws, extensively tested the framework, and implemented (and contributed) a GnuPG-based plugin.