saipat / Eton

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Eton is a clone of Evernote, which is a note taking application. Eton implements identical appearance and limited functionaly.

Eton is a creation of Sai Lakshmi Pattabiraman.

Eton is single page application developed using Ruby, Rails, and PostgreSQL for the backend and React and Redux for the frontend. The project was designed and built in 10 days. Considering 10-day working time period, Eton was focused on simplicity with few of the crucial functionalities of Evernote.


You can access the site at

Key Features

Rich Text Editing

Eton implements ReactQuill, a React Component that wraps around the popular Quill.js library. This allows for Rich Text Editing in all of the user's notes.

<div className="quill-div">
  <ReactQuill placeholder="Type note content in here" onChange={this.updateBody} modules={modules} value={this.state.rich_txt_body} className="quill-body" id="quillText" ref={this.quillRef} />


Image Upload

Eton lets users to upload images into their notes. Imgur

CRUD experience

The ability to create, read, update and destroy notes, and notebooks and tags.

All notes


All Tags


All Notebooks


Future Features.

Search notes by tags Note Search Sort by date updated. Autosave


Back End

Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL (database) AJAX with a JSON API

Front End

React Redux React-Quill (text editing)

const toolBarOpts = [
    [{ font: [] }],
    [{ size: ["small", false, "large", "huge"] }],
    ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"],
    [{ color: [] }, { background: [] }],
    ["blockquote", "code-block"],
    [{ align: [] }],
    [{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }],
    [{ script: "sub" }, { script: "super" }],
    ["link", "image", "video", "formula"]

const modules = {
    toolbar: toolBarOpts

BCrypt (authorization) ES6