saizai / gayhomophobe

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Javier Rodrigo de Santos #16

Open saizai opened 3 years ago

saizai commented 3 years ago

He's been accused of male rape of two men part of a NGO he worked in, telling them he would call the police to make them return to jail (the NGO mission is to help people integrate into society)

He was deputy mayor and councilor in urbanism in Palma de Mallorca between 2003 and 2007, and also he's part of Camino Neocatecumenal, an ultracatholic branch of the church

In 2005, trying to opose Zapatero's equal marriage law in Spain, he announce we would not marry any homosexual couple -> "Con el PP en plena batalla contra el matrimonio homosexual aprobado por el Gobierno de Zapatero, el político balear siguió el camino de otros cargos públicos populares y anunció que no casaría a parejas homosexuales. "Éste es un debate que no interesa a nadie y sólo beneficia a Rodríguez Zapatero", dijo durante un pleno del Ayuntamiento de Palma." (From the previous link)

He was also jailed in 2009 because of child rape and spending public money on gay prostitutes.

I know he had power a long time ago, and is now only news because he's been accused again, but I think he fits in the list

Well, he's not super relevant, he had a local occupation many years ago, but he was part of the main right wing political party, Partido popular

Well other than publicly opposing marriage equality back in 2005, during a season in palma's parlament , I don't know if he tried to pass any law against it, or either if he had any sort of power to do it, since the law was at country level

He is a pedophile, but he also had sex with adult male prostitutes and now he's been convicted of raping two adult males (although not in any political power anymore)

I mean, he had some local power, he refused to marry same sex people (I don't think he had power to do more) and he was convicted about using public money in male prostitutes in 2009

Apart from being a convicted pedophile and now recently convicted on the rape of two adult man as well