saizai / gayhomophobe

5 stars 0 forks source link maintenance howto:

A. Twitter monitoring

  1. log in to tweetdeck
  2. add @gayhomophobe as an account you have team permissions on
  3. add column for search 'gay homophobe' and '' to monitor tips & mentions
    • occasionally mentions are quotable. fav them and consider adding to the quotes section of the page

B. Candidate validation

a) IGNORE party affiliation etc. Must be individualized assessment.

For all steps except gay/bi verification, set google searches to have time span that ends at least a week BEFORE disclosures. Post-disclosure sources are not reliable.

All steps must be YES to proceed.

b) Do they have significant social or political power?

Yes if:

No if:

c) Did they use that power anti-LGBT?

DO NOT assume this of Republicans; many are just fiscal conservatives. Must have positive individualized confirmation. is a good tool. It links to various orgs' ratings, which have per-bill breakdowns. Find ones about LGBT issues and see how they voted. Verify that if possible, but if yes it's definitive.

Yes if:

This should be unambiguous. Remember to date-limit google searches. Anything post-outing that claims they were anti-gay has ZERO CREDIBILITY, but might be useful for pointers to sources that predate the outing.

d) Were they closeted and gay/bi?

This is necessarily a subjective determination. We don't need it to be a jury verdict or admission, but also it has to rise above the level of purely speculative and unsourced.

Yes if:

No if:

e) Do they get a rainbow star?

  1. Half-star

Voluntary admission of any sort that they are gay/bi. Be generous.

Includes admissions:

Does not include:

  1. Full star

Voluntary admission accompanied by substantive policy change.


  1. Double full star

Requires major pro-LGBT actions - not just reversal of prior stance, but going above and beyond.

C. Update website

a) Decide on win date, summary, and links

Date will usually be date of publication of reliable source.

Primary link should be a one-stop reliable source for the outing, preferably with background info. Use best link available, preferably primary source unless a secondary source provides more context.

Summary should be concise, witty if possible, and link to extra sources iff they are additive. Should generally include both what happened and the reaction (e.g. any admission; consequences like firing, resignation, or legal charges; etc). Secondary links can include eg more background, targeted humor, etc. See existing table for examples.

b) Update past winners table

Copy the current winner section to past winners table. Conform to table style.

Calculate "# days held" based on date of new winner. Add that number front of $days array (after $cur) and use in the table.

Add half or full rainbow star (with styling, see previous entries) if merited. Occasionally there are updates that merit an upgrade.

c) Make an image

Find a good photo of winner, preferably from their wikipedia, professional profile, or similar source.

Don't use ugly or pejorative photos (eg booking) unless none other available.

Crop to headshot, then resize to 100px height. Variable width is fine.

Make sure new image has go+r permissions.

d) Update new winner section

Use the "came out" or "was caught" text depending on star status of winner. Leave and comment out the opposite text if swapping.

Uncomment or comment stars section depending on status.

Add date of win to the $cur mktime call - 0,0,0,day,month,year

Use formal title abbreviation, link to their affiliation (preferably from Wikipedia) in parens after name. Use specific affiliation if available.

e) Update RSS

Update lastBuildDate to actual current time

Add item, formatted like the rest, with name (no title / affiliation) and primary link

f) Update website

Deployment will be done automatically when you push to master.

Test website to make sure it works properly - image displayed, previous-winners table looks good, time-since updated, format not broken, etc.

g) Post Twitter update

See prior updates announcing winners. Link candidate with @ if you verify twitter account is theirs, use formal reference (e.g. Rev. Foo Bar) otherwise.

h) Monitor twitter, google alert, etc for reactions, any significant updates, quotables, etc

Update status if merited. Retract if merited. Twitter-fav amusing references. Consider adding notable or particularly amusing cites to to quotes list.