saleram1 / sim-jquery

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As [System] I need to Categorize and Save Messages Returned from Feeds #17

Open saleram1 opened 12 years ago

saleram1 commented 12 years ago

Example message :


What events trigger Notifications?


— Stock decremented: Somebody purchased one of your items and decremented the stock. A new order has been created.

— Payment: the buyer added a payment to the order.

— Shipping: there is new shipping information associated to the order. Or the status of the shipping has changed to: pending, handling, active, delivered, not_delivered.

— Feedback: the buyer rated you as a seller or you sent feedback to the buyer. A feed is received on the order.


— Changes on any of the attributes.

— Changes on the status: the listing has to be reviewed by an operator and the status changed to “under_review” or it was paused and status changed to “paused”

— 60 days passed and the listing expired: status changed to “closed”


— You received a new question.

— You answered a question.

— You deleted a question that you considered inappropriate.

saleram1 commented 12 years ago

Domain change: ConversationMessage / Thread Based on the User and Item

saleram1 commented 12 years ago

Getting some security responses back related only to Order (403). Waiting on JL / Pablo to look into this.

GET /orders/729859315?access_token= ...

{"message":"The user has not access to the order.", "error":"not_owned_order", "status":403,"cause":[]}
saleram1 commented 11 years ago

How to obtain a refresh token?

After the consumer has been authorized for access, they can obtain a refresh token. The refresh token can be used to get a new access token once it has expired. This is only done after the consumer already has received an access token using either the Web server or user-agent flow.

This becomes necessary when an access token is no longer valid and when you need to make it valid again.

When you register your application in the Applications Portal you need to give offline_access for this purpose.

If you set it up this way, every time your webserver exchanges a code for an access_token it will also receive a refresh token.

       "access_token" : "APP_USR-6092-3246532-cb45c82853f6e620bb0deda096b128d3-8035443",
       "token_type" : "bearer",
       "expires_in" : 10800,
       "refresh_token" : "TG-1025633383c1a2f67323423423b05213abb",
       "scope" : "write read offline_access"

Your application will need to save this refresh token along with the access token, as they work in pairs.

saleram1 commented 11 years ago

P2 - post-transaction mgmt