saleram1 / sim-jquery

m2m the ML to Magento Store Connect - Integration
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Simple Inventory Management (SIM)

A Tool for ML Power Sellers SIM is the user-facing and administration component of the Item / listing batch processor.

Among other things, SIM offers the following feature set:

Sellers will send product data formatted to the Marketplace specifications. Initially this will be CSV only, followed by tbd The following integration specifics should also agreed upon with the Marketplace.

This operation is effectively a 'synch' or a merge of all items coming from the batch, with all items that exist presently in the marketplace. It is assuming that the SIM middleware keeps a table mapping gp_id/item_id relationship.

Each batch (say, max. of 1000 items) will be stamped with a sellerId; Every item will be unique, identified by the gp_id , essentially ChannelAdvisor's SKU

Each item record must contain these attributes at minimum: title, description, category_id, price, currency_iso, available_quantity, listing_type_id, condition - full list of supported fields: gp_id,site,

For each batch of Items in file, Seller expects to receive an error report detailing the failure of any item sent in the Product Feed. Errors may include:

  1. Missing required product data
  2. Invalid product data / user data

Example Validation: "The attributes [gp_id] are invalid for category MLA3530" <-- attributes are stored per category "Item pictures are mandatory for listing type gold" <-- listing is gold but pictureURL is left blank "Property [initial_quantity] with value [0] is less than minimum value [1]" <-- general validation
such fields as price, quantity must be non-zero certain Item props are required for listing



More about our project is available on basecamp here

This version of SIM is using the jQuery file upload plug

Installation and Requirements

SIM from a developer client requires Grails 1.3.7 or above (latest at time of this writing was 2.0.4)

Once you have a fork of this repo, should be able to run the following :

  • grails test-app unit:
  • grails test-app integration:
  • grails run-app
  • grails prod war




Thanks to the items-api core team in Buenos Aires, plus the team in Palo Alto - without whom:

  • Rodri
  • Vasanth
  • Salera