salestracker / supplytracker_gae

gae ported version of supply tracker
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b2b2c crm crm-platform sales


gae ported version of supply tracker. Supply tracker is a Sales CRM for MSME.

It is in early phase development for developers preview only. Not stable yet. We have just ported it to appengine.

Development/CI-CD Stack:

Build Tool: Bazel Current Stack: Jinja2, Python3, Flask, SqlAlchemy, Sqlite. Stack to Port to for the time being:

We are keeping the mvc part micro so it does not dictate the design and development. Instead it should be a helper library.

Project Structure

The current directory structure is like:

└── package
    ├── app
    │   ├── static
    │   │   ├── css
    │   │   ├── fonts
    │   │   └── js
    │   └── templates
    │       ├── add
    │       ├── edit
    │       ├── form_templates
    │       ├── javascript
    │       └── view
    └── deploy

All static files are under app/static. Templates are under app/tempalates. This needs to be split into app_server/ and app/ dirs.

How to download and build using Bazel


How to download gcloud SDK


How to Deploy locally:

  1. Git clone it.
  2. checkout to develop branch. Preferred to git checkout -b <new_branch> from develop branch.
  3. cd package
  4. $HOME/bin/bazel run --spawn_strategy=standalone :main --copt  --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=10 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS
  5. curl locahost:8081 or curl locahost:5000

How to Deploy to appengine

  1. cloud-build-local --config=cloudbuild.yaml --dryrun=false --push .