salewski / ads-github-tools

Manage a large number of GitHub repos (command line tools)
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Herds octocats so you can fork your brains out.


This is the file for the 'ads-github-tools' project.

The ads-github-tools project provides command line tools for managing a large number of GitHub repositories, motivated by the following two related use cases:

1. When you work on multiple computers, keeping your local clones of the
   repos in sync can be a chore.

2. Similarly, when you have a large number of GitHub repos that are mostly
   forks of other repos, keeping your forks in sync with the upstream
   changes can be a chore.

Enter the ads-github-tools.

The 'ads-github-tools' project web site is:

The latest version of the project is 0.3.5 (released 2022-10-26), and can be downloaded from:

See the NEWS file for changes for this release.

Older releases are available from the project's downloads page:


Typical usage involves ensuring there is an updated cache, and then just invoking a couple of commands.

The cache is updated like this:

    $ ads-github-cache -v --update

First time users will want to update the cache prior to running any of the other commands. It may take a while to poplute the cache the first time (especially if you have a large number of GitHub repos), but updating it thereafer is done conditionally and on an as-needed basis. Note that the only objects cached are those used by the various utilities in the C; it does not cache any data that is not used.

The cache is provided in order to avoid unnecessary network round trips to the GitHub API servers. The cache storage is specific to the GitHub user. A Unix system user may have multiple GitHub accounts (say, work and personal); the cached data for those GitHub users would be stored separately.

Regular users would probably just run the above cache update command (say, once or twice a day) from a cron job (or similar). That way the cached data is already available when you need it.

With the cached data in hand, the author typcially runs these two commands once daily:

    $ ads-github-fetch-all-upstreams -v -c

    $ ads-github-merge-all-upstreams -v -k -p

Many users would prefer to run those commands from a crontab (or similar); the author runs them manually because he's actively hacking on the tools and wants to inspect the output.

The following invocation is also handy for creating local clones of recently forked GitHub repos:

    $ ads-github-fetch-all-upstreams -m

That invocation clones all of a user's GitHub repos for which there is no working directory beneath the current directory. It can be thought of as creating clones of "all the new stuff (and just the new stuff)"; it operates much more quickly than invocations that operate on all of a user's GitHub repos (assuming only a minority of them are "missing", which is the common case). Note that the '-m' (--missing-only) option was introduced in the version of ads-github-fetch-all-upstreams released with ads-github-tools-0.2.0.

At the moment (2022-10-16) there are ten tools:

See the "Prerequisites" section below for other programs that must be installed and configured on your system before you can install the 'ads-github-tools' package.

See the BUGS file for information on reporting bugs.

See the INSTALL file for installation instructions.

See the HACKING file for developer build instructions and the like.

See the NEWS file for changes for this release, and a running list of changes from previous releases. Any incompatibilities with previous versions will be noted in the 'NEWS' file.


The tools provided by the 'ads-github-tools' project are intended to be built and run on Unix and Unix-like systems, so expect a standard set of utilities (cat, sed, awk, rm, ...) to be present. These utilities are not explicitly listed below as prerequisites as they should be present on any modern Unix or GNU/Linux system (or in Cygwin, if you happen to be running on MS Windows).

The parse-netrc program is implemented in Rust, and requires that the rustc compiler and cargo programs be installed. They are distributed together, so if you have one you likely have the other, as well. On Debian based systems:

    # apt-get -u install rustc cargo

Many of the programs provided by 'ads-github-tools' are implemented in Bash (a Bourne shell derivative). The 'ads-github-tools' project was developed and tested using Bash version 5.1.4(1)-release, as shipped by Debian. It uses associative arrays which were added in Bash 4.0, so you'll need a 4.x version or newer; the 'configure' script will check for this and exit with an error message if a new enough version of Bash is not found. The author would appreciate hearing about any successes or failures with other versions of Bash. In the unlikely event that your system does not already have bash installed, it can be obtained from the project's site:

On a Debian system (including derivatives, such as Ubuntu), you can install the program via:

    # apt-get install bash

or (for a statically linked version):

    # apt-get install bash-static

Another required tool is git-hub, which provides a command line interface for interacting with a GitHub repository. The tool provides a 'clone' operation that, for GitHub forked repos, establishes an 'upstream' remote that points to the upstream source of the fork (which is part of the typical arrangement when tracking changes to an upstream project over time: an 'origin' remote points to your own fork of the project on GitHub, and an 'upstream' remote points to the upstream project's tree on GitHub). The 'git-hub' tool is used by our 'ads-github-fetch-all-upstreams' tool when cloning repositories.

On a Debian system (including derivatives, such as Ubuntu) you can install the 'git-hub' program via:

    # apt-get install git-hub

Other users can obtain source release tarballs from that project's releases page:

or you can build from that project's latest sources from its GitHub project page:

Build instructions

The ads-github-tools project is distributed as a standard GNU autotools-based package.

Obtain the prerequisites as described above, and then you are ready to build. From an unpacked release tarball, run:

    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ make check
    $ make install

By default make install will install into subdirectories of /usr/local. To change where things will get installed, use ./configure --prefix=/some/path.

Future directions

The ads-github-tools-0.3.2 release (October 2020) introduced the foundations for the long-wanted caching system. It delivers on the ability to conditionally retrieve objects "through the cache" using ETag: and If-None-Match: to pull full objects over the network only when necessary. It also delivers on the goal of being easy to use from shell scripts or even in an interactive shell.

Note that conditionally fetching objects as described also has the benefit of avoiding incurring unnecessary hits against the user's GitHub API rate limit. (Not sure where you stand? Try ads-github-show-rate-limits -h to find out!)

At the moment, the caching foundation is in place, and the ads-github-fetch-all-upstreams tool uses it to good effect. But at the moment it is the only tool that does so. Others will be enhanced, as well, in upcoming releases.

My earlier thinking was that there will be three levels of tools:

  1. low-level tools that store and retrieve objects from the cache, and related

    • ads-github-cache update (similar in spirit to apt-get update and apt-file update)
    • ads-github-cache put KEY [VALUE]
    • ads-github-cache get KEY
    • ads-github-normalize-url
    • ads-github-hash-url

    In the above list, 'KEY' is likey a "normalized" url, or perhaps just any url (and the tools would normalize the url behind the scenes to produce the "key").

  2. mid-level tools that make use of the caching tools

    • ads-github-user-repos [--owner] [--repo] [--per-page=N] [--page=N]
    • ads-github-org-repos [--org] [--repo]...
    • ads-github-repos [--list-tags] [--list-branches] ...
    • ...
  3. high-level tools the build upon the first two levels above

    • ads-github-show-rate-limits
    • ads-github-fetch-all-upstreams
    • ads-github-merge-all-upstreams
    • ...

That does not seem like a terrible arrangement, but we have learned that there is value in allowing the high-level tools access the low-level cache directly.


GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later

Unless otherwise stated by a different license notice in a particular file, all files in the `ads-github-tools' project are made available under the GNU GPL version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

See the COPYING file for the full license.

Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Alan D. Salewski

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.