salihkardan / gorest

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To run webserver, you need to run go run restful.go command. It wil start webserver, please go to localhost:8080.

I have created tabs on main UI:

There are 3 end points:


1) I have used Gin web framework:

2) I assumed coming requests will be in JSON format. Here is a example request sample I tested the project:

    curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
      "apiKey": "test-api-key2",
      "userID": "'"$userId"'",
      "timestamp": '$time'
    }' "http://localhost:8080/api/endpoint"

Note: There is "" script for creating sample http requests for testing purpose.

3) I have defined some sample api keys in apikey.txt file. While starting webserver, I load contents of that file, used those predefined api keys during validation of users.

4) I have use glide as dependency manager (glide.yaml), to install dependencies run glide install command. To install glide refer here :

5) I have used jade template engine to create html pages:

6) All front end related codes under web/ folder.

7) For database I have use Cassandra 2.X version. There is a file under root directory of project which contains table schema of Cassandra. To create those tables, you need to run cqlsh -f db.cql command.