salilbhise / Tymbre

Houston Coding Bootcamp Project 3
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Tymbre is an app that allows users to access streaming analytics from multiple music libraries such as Spotify and LastFM to better understand specific musical artists' performance in regards to popularity. Primary factors taken into account are number of streams, royalties, fans, hours played, and number of countries played in. Tymbre also includes its own composite score based on these primary factors that it will use to tier artists into high, mid, and low levels.


This app is great for talent management, upcoming singers/songwriters, and the data-obsessed to discover new and existing artists and their growth potential. In addition, upcoming singer/songwriters will be able to see what ticks on the high levels, and what it takes to be successful in the music industry.

Technology Used

Spotify API, Charts, and Wrapped data in addition to LastFM API, an internal database, User Authentication, Mongo, Express, React, and Node.

Team Members

Heroku Deployment

Future Development

Additional data sets from Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and iTunes. Additional sales figures, downloadable CSV's, music player, and notifications.


Landing Page:

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Artist Dashboard:

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User Profile:

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