saltstack-formulas / chrony-formula

Salt Stack formula to manage chrony
8 stars 43 forks source link
chrony saltstack

.. _readme:


|img_travis| |img_sr|

.. |img_travis| image:: :alt: Travis CI Build Status :scale: 100% :target: .. |img_sr| image:: :alt: Semantic Release :scale: 100% :target:

Formula to set up and configure chrony

.. contents:: Table of Contents

General notes

See the full SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions <>_.

If you are interested in writing or contributing to formulas, please pay attention to the Writing Formula Section <>_.

If you want to use this formula, please pay attention to the FORMULA file and/or git tag, which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to Semantic Versioning <>_.

See Formula Versioning Section <>_ for more details.

Contributing to this repo

Commit message formatting is significant!!

Please see How to contribute <>_ for more details.

Available states

.. contents:: :local:

chrony ^^^^^^^^^^

Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

This installs the chrony package, manages the chrony configuration file and then starts the associated chrony service.

chrony.package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This state will install the chrony package only.

chrony.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This state will configure the chrony service and has a dependency on chrony.install via include list.

chrony.service ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This state will start the chrony service and has a dependency on chrony.config via include list.

chrony.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

this state will undo everything performed in the chrony meta-state in reverse order, i.e. stops the service, removes the configuration file and then uninstalls the package.

chrony.service.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This state will stop the chrony service and disable it at boot time.

chrony.config.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This state will remove the configuration of the chrony service and has a dependency on chrony.service.clean via include list.

chrony.package.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This state will remove the chrony package and has a depency on chrony.config.clean via include list.