saltstack-formulas / iscsi-formula

Manage iSCSI Target and Initiator via SaltStack (FreeBSD & GNU/Linux)
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Jinja invalid input errors on CentOS7 #9

Closed noelmcloughlin closed 5 years ago

noelmcloughlin commented 5 years ago

These warnings appear on CENT7. I'm using salt 2018.3.3 and Jinja2: 2.10

[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'iscsi-initiator-utils': None})
[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'libiscsi': None})
[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'libiscsi-utils': None})

[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi': None})
[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'netbsd-iscsi': None})
[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'udisks2-iscsi': None})
[ERROR   ] Invalid input for repack_dictlist, data passed is not a list ({u'targetcli': None})

Salt Version:
           Salt: 2018.3.3

Dependency Versions:
           cffi: 1.11.5
       cherrypy: 5.6.0
       dateutil: 2.7.5
      docker-py: 3.6.0
          gitdb: Not Installed
      gitpython: Not Installed
          ioflo: Not Installed
         Jinja2: 2.10
        libgit2: Not Installed
        libnacl: Not Installed
       M2Crypto: Not Installed
           Mako: 1.0.7
   msgpack-pure: Not Installed
 msgpack-python: 0.6.0
   mysql-python: Not Installed
      pycparser: 2.19
       pycrypto: 2.6.1
   pycryptodome: Not Installed
         pygit2: Not Installed
         Python: 2.7.5 (default, Oct 30 2018, 23:45:53)
   python-gnupg: Not Installed
         PyYAML: 3.13
          PyZMQ: 15.3.0
           RAET: Not Installed
          smmap: Not Installed
        timelib: Not Installed
        Tornado: 4.2.1
            ZMQ: 4.1.4

System Versions:
           dist: centos 7.5.1804 Core
         locale: UTF-8
        machine: x86_64
        release: 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64
         system: Linux
        version: CentOS Linux 7.5.1804 Core
noelmcloughlin commented 5 years ago

Just warnings.