saltstack-formulas / iscsi-formula

Manage iSCSI Target and Initiator via SaltStack (FreeBSD & GNU/Linux)
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|img_travis| |img_sr|

.. |img_travis| image:: :alt: Travis CI Build Status :scale: 100% :target: .. |img_sr| image:: :alt: Semantic Release :scale: 100% :target:

Configure iSCSI targets and initiator on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD.

.. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 1

General notes

See the full SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions <>_.

If you are interested in writing or contributing to formulas, please pay attention to the Writing Formula Section <>_.

If you want to use this formula, please pay attention to the FORMULA file and/or git tag, which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to Semantic Versioning <>_.

See Formula Versioning Section <>_ for more details.

Special Nodes

The scope of this formula is Ethernet/Block

.. image:: link-transport-storage-protocols.png :target: :scale: 15 % :alt: Link/Transport and Storage protocol infographic

Contributing to this repo

Commit message formatting is significant!!

Please see How to contribute <>_ for more details.

Available Meta states

.. contents:: :local:

iscsi ^^^^^^^^^ Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

Deploy iSNS, iSCSI initiator, and iSCSI target packages, manage configuration files and then starts the associated iscsi services. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install and configure the iSCSI Target service. Supported vendor implementations include-

The defaults targets are-

The default choice is modifable via the pillar value. New providers can be introduced via pull request. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

this state will undo everything performed in the meta-state in reverse order, i.e. stops the service, removes the configuration files and then uninstalls the package.

iscsi.initiator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install and configure the iSCSI initiator service-

iscsi.initiator.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

this state will undo everything performed in the iscsi.initiator meta-state in reverse order, i.e. stops the service, removes the configuration files and then uninstalls the package.

iscsi.isns ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install and configure iSCSI name service.

iscsi.isns.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

this state will undo everything performed in the iscsi.isns meta-state in reverse order, i.e. stops the service, removes the configuration files and then uninstalls the package.

Available sub-states

.. contents:: :local: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI target related packages. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI target related packages. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI target related configuration files. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI target related configuration files. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Load iSCSI target related kernel modules. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unload iSCSI target related kernel modules. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make iSCSI related packages from git source on FreeBSD. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI related package binaries on FreeBSD. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI target services. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stop and disable SCSI target services.

iscsi.initiator.package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI initiator related packages.

iscsi.initiator.package.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI initiator related packages.

iscsi.initiator.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI initiator related configuration files.

iscsi.initiator.config.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI initiator related configuration files.

iscsi.initiator.kernel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Load iSCSI initiator related kernel modules.

iscsi.initiator.kernel.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unload iSCSI initiator related kernel modules.

iscsi.initiator.make ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make iSCSI related packages from git source for FreeBSD.

iscsi.initiator.make.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI related package binaries on FreeBSD.

iscsi.initiator.service ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI initiator services.

iscsi.initiator.service.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stop and disable iSCSI initiator services.

iscsi.isns.package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install iSCSI isns packages.

iscsi.isns.package.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI isns packages.

iscsi.isns.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Customises iscsi isns configuration. Requires iscsi.isns.package via include list.

iscsi.isns.config.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Remove iSCSI isns configuration files.

iscsi.isns.make ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This state makes iscsi isns services on FreeBSD.

iscsi.isns.make.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Removes iSCSI isns binaries on FreeBSD.

iscsi.isns.service ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start iscsi isns services. Requires iscsi.isns.config via include list.

iscsi.isns.service.clean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Meta-state (This is a state that includes other states).

this state will undo everything performed in the iscsi.isns meta-state in reverse order, i.e. stops the service, removes the configuration files and then uninstalls the package.


Linux testing is done with kitchen-salt.

Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^

.. code-block:: bash

$ gem install bundler $ bundle install $ bin/kitchen test [platform]

Where [platform] is the platform name defined in kitchen.yml, e.g. debian-9-2019-2-py3.

bin/kitchen converge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates the docker instance and runs the iscsi main state, ready for testing.

bin/kitchen verify ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs the inspec tests on the actual instance.

bin/kitchen destroy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Removes the docker instance.

bin/kitchen test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. destroy + converge + verify + destroy.

bin/kitchen login ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.