saltstack-formulas / postgres-formula
77 stars 283 forks source link


|img_travis| |img_sr|

.. |img_travis| image:: :alt: Travis CI Build Status :scale: 100% :target: .. |img_sr| image:: :alt: Semantic Release :scale: 100% :target:

A formula to install and configure PostgreSQL server.

.. contents:: Table of Contents

General notes

See the full SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions <>_.

If you are interested in writing or contributing to formulas, please pay attention to the Writing Formula Section <>_.

If you want to use this formula, please pay attention to the FORMULA file and/or git tag, which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to Semantic Versioning <>_.

See Formula Versioning Section <>_ for more details.

Contributing to this repo

Commit message formatting is significant!!

Please see How to contribute <>_ for more details.

Available states

.. contents:: :local:

postgres ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs and configures both PostgreSQL server and client with creation of various DB objects in the cluster. This state applies to both Linux and MacOS.

postgres.client ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs the PostgreSQL client binaries and libraries on Linux.

postgres.manage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates such DB objects as: users, tablespaces, databases, schemas and extensions. See pillar.example file for details.

postgres.python ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs the PostgreSQL adapter for Python on Linux.

postgres.server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs the PostgreSQL server package on Linux, prepares the DB cluster and starts the server using packaged init script, job or unit.

.. note::

For PostgreSQL server before version 10 to work inside a **FreeBSD Jail**
set ``sysvshm=new`` and ``sysvsem=new``.
DO NOT SET ``allow.sysvipc=1``. It defeats the purpose of using Jails.

Further information:

Running inside a container (using Packer, Docker or similar tools), when OS init process is not available to start the service and enable it on "boot", set pillar value:

.. code:: yaml

postgres: bake_image: True

This toggles starting PostgreSQL daemon by issuing raw pg_ctl or pg_ctlcluster command.

postgres.upstream ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures the PostgreSQL Official (upstream) repository on target system if applicable.

The state relies on the postgres:use_upstream_repo Pillar value which could be set as following:

The postgres:version Pillar controls which version of the PostgreSQL packages should be installed from the upstream Linux repository. Defaults to 9.5.

Removal states

postgres.dropped ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Meta state to remove Postgres software. By default the release installed by formula is targeted only. To target multiple releases, set pillar postgres.remove.multiple_releases: True.

postgres.server.remove ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Remove server, lib, and contrib packages. The postgres.server.remove will retain data by default (no data loss) - set pillar True to remove data and configuration directories also.

postgres.client.remove ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Remove client package. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Remove development and python packages.


Linux testing is done with kitchen-salt.

kitchen converge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates the docker instance and runs the postgres main state, ready for testing.

kitchen verify ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs the inspec tests on the actual instance.

kitchen destroy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Removes the docker instance.

kitchen test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. destroy + converge + verify + destroy.

kitchen login ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.

Testing with Vagrant

Windows/FreeBSD/OpenBSD testing is done with kitchen-salt.

Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Setup ^^^^^

.. code-block:: bash

$ gem install bundler $ bundle install --with=vagrant $ bin/kitchen test [platform]

Where [platform] is the platform name defined in kitchen.vagrant.yml, e.g. windows-81-latest-py3.

Note ^^^^

When testing using Vagrant you must set the environment variable KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML to kitchen.vagrant.yml. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

$ KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=kitchen.vagrant.yml bin/kitchen test # Alternatively, $ export KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=kitchen.vagrant.yml $ bin/kitchen test

Then run the following commands as needed.

bin/kitchen converge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates the Vagrant instance and runs the postgres main state, ready for testing.

bin/kitchen verify ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs the inspec tests on the actual instance.

bin/kitchen destroy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Removes the Vagrant instance.

bin/kitchen test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. destroy + converge + verify + destroy.

bin/kitchen login ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Gives you RDP/SSH access to the instance for manual testing.

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