saltstack-formulas / samba-formula
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Install and configure a samba server.

.. note::

See the full `Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions

Available states

.. contents:: :local:


Installs the samba server and client packages and starts the samba service.


Installs the samba client package.


Includes the samba state.

Creates a smb.conf based on defaults. Pillars if defined override default values.


Includes the samba state.

Creates samba users (via smbpasswd) based on pillar data.


Includes the samba state.

Installs samba-winbind packages and updates NSS (nsswitch.conf). Run this state after joining the Domain.


Includes the winbind state.

By default this state provides full Active Directory (AD) domain membership if samba.role equals ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER.


Calls clean state for all modules to completely remove samba and winbind.


The distro samba package includes a default smb.conf which is overridden by samba.config state. This formula has good defaults for samba ROLE_STANDALONE and ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER roles, but can be extended/overridden in pillars.

AD integration

Ensure host's assigned (dhcp) ipaddress is reflecting DNS.

.. code-block:: bash

 [myhost]$ ip addr
 [myhost]$ host

Ensure system time is NTP synchronized (yes)!!

.. code-block:: bash

 $ # timedatectl
           Local time: Fri 2018-02-09 08:34:10 MST
       Universal time: Fri 2018-02-09 15:34:10 UTC
             RTC time: Fri 2018-02-09 15:34:21
            Time zone: America/Denver (MST, -0700)
      Network time on: yes
     NTP synchronized: yes
      RTC in local TZ: no

Join the domain in three commands-

.. code-block:: bash

 $ sudo net ads join EXAMPLE.COM -U 'domainAdminUser'
 Enter domainAdminUser password:
 Using short domain name -- EXAMPLE
 Joined MYHOST to dns domain ‘'

 $ sudo kinit -k MYHOST\$@EXAMPLE.COM

 $ sudo systemctl restart winbind

If 'kinit' fails then try rebooting and checking for issues with time and dns.