saltstack-formulas / zabbix-formula
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A SaltStack formula to manage Zabbix.

.. contents:: Table of Contents

General notes

See the full SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions <>_.

If you are interested in writing or contributing to formulas, please pay attention to the Writing Formula Section <>_.

If you want to use this formula, please pay attention to the FORMULA file and/or git tag, which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to Semantic Versioning <>_.

See Formula Versioning Section <>_ for more details.

Contributing to this repo

Commit message formatting is significant!!

Please see How to contribute <>_ for more details.


This formula has been developed distributing declarations in different files to make it usable in most situations. It should be useful in scenarios ranging from a simple install of the packages (without any special configuration) to a more complex set-up with different nodes for agent, server, database and frontend.

Customization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

First, see if providing pillar data is enough for your customization needs. That's the recommended way and should be enough for most cases. See that sometimes there's a key named extra_conf that's used to add arbitrary configuration lines in the templates provided.

When providing pillar data is not enough for your needs, you can apply the Template Override and Files Switch (TOFS) pattern as described in the documentation file

The formula is designed to be independent from other formulas so you could use this in a non-100% salted environment (i.e. it's not required –although recommended– to use other formulas to provision other parts of a complete system).

Using RedHat EPEL repo Zabbix packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you want to use the EPEL repo packages, as the naming conventions are different, you need to tweak the default values of map.jinja to obtain the desired results. In short:

.. code:: yaml

      pkg: zabbix22-agent
      pkg: zabbix22-server-mysql

Now you just have to use zabbix.agent.conf sls file and that's it.

Example of usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Just as an example, this is a top.sls file to install a complete modular self-contained Zabbix system:

.. code:: yaml

base: '*':

You need the appropriate mysql, nginx and php formulas to complete the installation with this top.sls file.

If you are installing the zabbix agent for windows you will want to separate the pillar for windows from other linux and unix agents This is a pillar top.sls file example to separate windows and Ubuntu Zabbix agent pillar files

.. code:: yaml

base: 'os:Ubuntu':

.. note::

See the full `Salt Formulas
<>`_ doc.

Available states

.. contents:: :local:

zabbix.agent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs the zabbix-agent package and starts the associated zabbix- agent service.

zabbix.agent.conf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures the zabbix-agent package.

zabbix.agent.repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures official Zabbix repo specifically for the agent. Actually it just includes zabbix.repo and adds a requisite for the pkg state declaration

zabbix.frontend ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs Zabbix frontend.

zabbix.frontend.conf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures the zabbix-frontend package. Actually you need to use other formulas for apache/nginx and php5-fpm to complete a working setup.

zabbix.frontend.repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures official Zabbix repo specifically for the frontend. Actually it just includes zabbix.repo and adds a requisite for the pkg state declaration.

zabbix.mysql.conf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates database and mysql user for Zabbix.

zabbix.mysql.schema ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates mysql schema for Zabbix.

zabbix.pgsql.pkgs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Install required psql packages.

zabbix.pgsql.conf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates database and PostgreSQL user for Zabbix. Includes zabbix.pgsql.pkgs.

zabbix.pgsql.schema ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates PostgreSQL schema for Zabbix. Includes zabbix.pgsql.pkgs.

zabbix.proxy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs the zabbix-proxy package and starts the associated zabbix-proxy service.

zabbix.proxy.conf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures the zabbix-proxy package.

zabbix.proxy.repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures official Zabbix repo specifically for the proxy. Actually it just includes zabbix.repo and adds a requisite for the pkg state declaration

zabbix.repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures official Zabbix repo.

zabbix.server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installs the zabbix-server package and starts the associated zabbix- server service.

zabbix.server.conf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures the zabbix-server package.

zabbix.server.repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configures official Zabbix repo specifically for the server. Actually it just includes zabbix.repo and adds a requisite for the pkg state declaration

zabbix.users ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Declares users and groups that could be needed in other formulas (e.g. in the users formula to make an user pertain to the service group).


Linux testing is done with kitchen-salt.

Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^

.. code-block:: bash

$ gem install bundler $ bundle install $ bin/kitchen test [platform]

Where [platform] is the platform name defined in kitchen.yml, e.g. debian-9-2019-2-py3.

bin/kitchen converge ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Creates the docker instance and runs the template main state, ready for testing.

bin/kitchen verify ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs the inspec tests on the actual instance.

bin/kitchen destroy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Removes the docker instance.

bin/kitchen test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. destroy + converge + verify + destroy.

bin/kitchen login ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.