saltstack / salt-windows-nsis

Scripts for building a NullSoft Salt installer for Windows
Apache License 2.0
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Scripts for building a NullSoft Salt installer for Windows


This repository contains PowerShell scripts and NullSoft installer scripts for building a Salt installer for Windows operating systems.

Try it out

Clone this repository alongside the Salt repo. So, for example, if you have cloned the Salt repo to C:\build then clone this repo in the same location.

Then run the build.bat file that resides in the scripts directory. That script will run all the needed scripts required to install a build environment and build the installer for the Salt project. The file will be placed in the build directory on the root of the project.


The following prerequisites will be installed by the build_env.ps1 script:

Build & Run

  1. Clone this repository next to the Salt repository
  2. Run the build.bat file in the scripts directory


This project contains scripts for building and developing on Salt. The important scripts in the scripts directory. They are as follows:

Additional scripts:



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This project is licensed Apache 2.0. For more detailed information, refer to LICENSE.