saltyhotdog / BattletechIssueTracker

Public issue tracker to communicate with modders and HBS.
MIT License
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Battletech Mod Creator Issue Tracker

Welcome to the Battletech Mod Creator Issue Tracker! All are welcome to browse current and past issues here:

This issue tracker has been created to centralize knowledge of code related problems and solutions.

This issue tracker is not a wiki, please visit for more generalized wiki information.

For general suggestions about the game we recommend visiting the official forums at

Please read the following guidelines carefully before posting, we want to build the most useful knowledgebase for current and future modders possible!

Creating Issues for Modder Input

If you want to ask general questions to other members in the community, please follow these guidelines. HBS may respond to these posts if they wish, but if you want a better chance of a dev response please follow the guidelines in the "Creating Issues for HBS Input" section.

Definition of Ready

Every issue posted for Modder Input must meet the definition of READY

Issue Classifications

QUESTION: Any question about coding related issues

Questions must reference existing code of the core game or a modification.

Questions should have as many examples of the problem as possible.

SUGGESTION: Any suggestion for improving code or design

Suggestions must reference existing code of the core game or a modification.

Suggestions should have at least one possible outcome that is reasonably attainable.

HELP NEEDED: A request for community help with a technical project

Requests for help do not need to reference specific code.

Requests for help must clearly define what help is needed, why it is needed, and what anyone who helps must do to resolve the issue.


1. Clearly define your issue

The number one objective of this issue tracker is clarity.

Ensure that your issue can be clearly categorized into one of the above issue classifications.

2. Open an issue with the appropriate tag

Choose the tag that best fits your issue.

Provide all details required for your issue to meet the DEFINITION OF READY.

If your issue does not meet the definition of ready an admin may tag your issue with "Needs Work." After tagging your issue the admin must leave a clear explanation of what is needed for the issue to reach definition of ready.

Admins may close issues at this point if they're duplicates, miscategorized, or aren't appropriate for this tracker.

3. Engage with community responses

Participate actively with the community members that respond to your ticket to ensure the best possible outcome is reached.

This part of the process is meant to provide flexibility. Be as collaborative as possible with your fellow modders as everything entered into these tickets will provide in depth technical insight for the entire community.

4. Close your issue once it has been resolved

Once your issue has been resolved satisfactorily please close it.

Admins may close issues, but they must leave a clear explanation of why the issue was closed.

5. Issues with no activity will be closed

After 30 days of no activity an issue will be closed.

Creating Issues for HBS Input

Our goal is to create a clear and expected framework to most effectively communicate with HBS developers. This will enable the community to interact with the development team in a more structured way

This framework may appear rigid, but it is created with the intent to establish clear expectations and clarity in communication to the HBS dev team. This minimizes the chances of miscommunication and allows for a clear understanding of process between all involved parties.

Definition of Actionable

Every issue posted for HBS Input must first meet the qualification of being ACTIONABLE

Severity Classifications

1. Problems that break the VANILLA game in a COMMON way

You found a specific issue in HBS CODE that can break an UNMODDED game in a way that will be experienced FREQUENTLY by a reasonable player.

2. Problems that break the VANILLA game in an UNCOMMON way

You found a specific issue in HBS CODE that can break an UNMODDED game in a way that will be experienced RARELY by a reasonable player.

3. Problems that break a MODDED game in ANY WAY

You found a specific issue in HBS CODE that will ONLY be experienced by a player with a MODDED game.

4. Questions about CODE

You have a CLEAR question about specific HBS CODE that HBS can be expected to produce a REASONABLE answer to.

5. Suggestions about CODE

You have a CLEAR suggestion about an improvement or change that can be made to HBS CODE that is REASONABLE.


0. Request access to private repo

If you don't have access to the private code repository, please open an issue with the "Access Request" tag.

You must have examples on your github of mods you've made for Battletech and be in good standing with the community.

The private code repository is a decompiled version of the game where you can propose specific code changes.

1. Clearly define your issue

The number one objective of this issue tracker is clarity.

Ensure that your issue can be clearly categorized into one of the above severity classifications.

Please think carefully about your solutions, questions, and suggestions before clicking the new issue button.

2. Open an issue with the appropriate tag

Choose the severity tag that best fits your issue.

Provide all details required for your issue to meet the DEFINITION OF ACTIONABLE.

3. Commit any code examples to the private repository

Create a branch on the private repository from the current release version of the HBS CODE.

Commit your changes to that branch and link the commit in your issue.

You may provide code samples in the body of the issue, but please do not post full documents.

4. Your issue will be reviewed by an admin

If the admins feel your issue meets DEFINITION OF READY FOR HBS they will add the "HBS Ready" tag to it.

If the admins feel you do not meet the criteria they will leave a clear explanation and mark the issue as "Not Ready"

5. Your issue MAY be reviewed by HBS

If HBS reviews your issue they may respond with follow up questions or solutions.

HBS may close the issue as "Resolved" if they've implemented a solution to your problem or answered your question to their satisfaction.

HBS may close the issue as "Won't Do" for any reason. If this happens, don't worry, they're most likely protecting information they're not authorized to share with us.

6. Issues with no activity will be closed

If an issue is tagged "HBS Ready" but has not received any official activity for at least 30 days, it will be closed.

Definition of Ready for HBS

For an issue to meet the DEFINTION OF READY FOR HBS an admin must deem that it meets the DEFINITION OF ACTIONABLE.

Admins may not mark their own posts as "HBS Ready"

HBS may decide to respond to any post not marked "HBS Ready"

Community Feedback

At any point in this process an admin may tag an issue with "Community Feedback"

If an issue is tagged with community feedback it is an open request for more modders to contribute to the discussion of the ticket before tagging it as "HBS Ready"

HBS may respond to any issue in this status if they desire.

No Guarantee

This is a very experimental process we're trying to build so we can effectively communicate with the HBS devs while having minimal impact on their professional time.

HBS reserves all rights to use or not use any solution or suggestion posted on this board.

HBS reserves all rights to answer or not answer any question on this board.

HBS reserves all rights to cease communication with this system at any time for any reason.