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SambaNova AI Starter Kits


SambaNova AI Starter Kits are a collection of open-source examples and guides designed to facilitate the deployment of AI-driven use cases for both developers and enterprises.

To run these examples, you can obtain a free API key using SambaNova Cloud. Alternatively, if you are a current SambaNova customer, you can deploy your models using SambaStudio. Most of the code examples are written in Python, although the concepts can be applied to any programming language.

Questions? Just message us on SambaNova Community Community or create an issue in GitHub. We're happy to help live!

Available AI Starter Kits

The table belows lists the available kits, which are grouped into four categories: 1) Data Ingestion & Preparation, 2) Model Development & Optimization, 3) Intelligent Information Retrieval, and 4) Advanced AI Capabilities.

Note: For each kit, we specify whether it is compatible with SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio, or both.

Name Kit Description Compatible APIs Category
Data Extraction Series of notebooks that demonstrate methods for extracting text from documents in different input formats. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Data Ingestion & Preparation
YoDA: Your Data Your model Sample training recipe to train a Language Model (LLM) using a customer's private data. SambaStudio Data Ingestion & Preparation
Fine tuning embeddings Example workflow for fine-tuning embeddings from unstructured data, leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and open-source embedding models to enhance NLP task performance. SambaStudio Model Development & Optimization
Fine tuning SQL Example workflow for fine-tuning an SQL model for Question-Answering purposes, leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and open-source embedding models to enhance SQL generation task performance. SambaStudio Model Development & Optimization
Prompt Engineering Starting point demo for prompt engineering using SambaNova's API to experiment with different use case templates. Provides useful resources to improve prompt crafting, making it an ideal entry point for those new to this AISK. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Model Development & Optimization
EDGAR Q&A Example workflow that uses the SambaNova platform to answer questions about organizations using their 10-K annual reports. Includes a runnable local demo and a Docker container to simplify remote deployment. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Enterprise Knowledge Retrieval Sample implementation of the semantic search workflow using the SambaNova platform to get answers to questions about your documents. Includes a runnable demo. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Image Search This example workflow shows a simple approach to image search by image description or image similarity. All workflows are built using the SambaNova platform. SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Multimodal Knowledge Retriever Sample implementation of the semantic search workflow leveraging the SambaNova platform to get answers using text, tables, and images to questions about your documents. Includes a runnable demo. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Post Call Analysis Example workflow that shows a systematic approach to post-call analysis including Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), diarization, large language model analysis, and retrieval augmented generation (RAG) workflows. All workflows are built using the SambaNova platform. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
RAG Evaluation Kit A tool for evaluating the performance of LLM APIs using the RAG Evaluation methodology. SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Search Assistant Sample implementation of the semantic search workflow built using the SambaNova platform to get answers to your questions using search engine snippets, and website crawled information as the source. Includes a runnable demo. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Web Crawled Data Retrieval Sample implementation of a semantic search workflow built using the SambaNova platform to get answers to your questions using website crawled information as the source. Includes a runnable demo. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Intelligent Information Retrieval
Agents with Langraph This kit demonstrates two types of agentic pipelines using LangGraph and SambaNova Systems APIs. One pipeline consists of a complex, Corrective RAG with Codegen. The other agentic pipeline, Corrective Rag Team, demonstrates how to orchestrate agents or teams of agents via a pipeline supervisor. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Advanced AI Capabilities
Benchmarking This kit evaluates the performance of multiple LLM models hosted in SambaStudio. It offers various performance metrics and configuration options. Users can also see these metrics within a chat interface. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Advanced AI Capabilities
Code Copilot This example guide shows a simple integration with Continue VSCode and JetBrains extension using SambaNova platforms, to use Sambanova's hosted models as your custom coding assistant. SambaStudio Advanced AI Capabilities
CoE jump start This kit demonstrates how to call SambaNova CoE models using the Langchain framework. The script offers different approaches for calling CoE models, including using SambaStudio with a named expert, and using SambaStudio with routing. SambaStudio Advanced AI Capabilities
Financial Assistant This app demonstrates the capabilities of LLMs in extracting and analyzing financial data using function calling, web scraping, and RAG. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Advanced AI Capabilities
Function Calling Example of tools calling implementation and a generic function calling module that can be used inside your application workflows. SambaNova Cloud, SambaStudio Advanced AI Capabilities

Getting Started

Getting a SambaNova API key and setting your generative models

Currently, there are two ways to obtain an API key from SambaNova. You can get a free API key using SambaNova Cloud. Alternatively, if you are a current SambaNova customer, you can deploy your models using SambaStudio.

Use SambaNova Cloud (Option 1)

For more information and to obtain your API key, visit the SambaNova Cloud webpage.

To integrate SambaNova Cloud LLMs with this AI starter kit, update the API information by configuring the environment variables in the ai-starter-kit/.env file:

SAMBANOVA_API_KEY = "456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123"

Use SambaStudio (Option 2)

Begin by deploying your LLM of choice (e.g., Llama 3 8B) to an endpoint for inference in SambaStudio. Use either the GUI or CLI, as described in the SambaStudio endpoint documentation.

To integrate your LLM deployed on SambaStudio with this AI starter kit, update the API information by configuring the environment variables in the ai-starter-kit/.env file:


Setting your embedding models

Currently, you can set your embedding models on CPU or SambaStudio. Note that embedding models are not available yet through SambaNova Cloud, but they will be in future releases.

Use CPU embedding (Option 1)

You can run the Hugging Face embedding models locally on CPU. In this case, no information is needed in the .env file.

Use SambaStudio embedding (Option 2)

Alternatively, you can use SambaStudio embedding model endpoints instead of the CPU-based HugginFace embeddings to increase inference speed. Please follow this guide to deploy your SambaStudio embedding model.

To integrate your embedding model deployed on SambaStudio with this AI starter kit, update the API information by configuring the environment variables in the ai-starter-kit/.env file:


Run the desired starter kit

Go to the of the starter kit you want to use and follow the instructions. See Available AI Starter Kits.

Additional information

Use Sambanova's LLMs and Langchain wrappers ### LLM Wrappers Set your environment as shown in [integrate your model](#integrate-your-model-in-the-starter-kit). #### Using Sambastudio LLMs 1. Import the **SambaStudio** langchain community wrapper in your project and define your **SambaStudio* LLM: - If using a CoE endpoint: ```python from langchain_community.llms.sambanova import SambaStudio load_dotenv('.env') llm = SambaStudio( model_kwargs={ "do_sample": False, "max_tokens_to_generate": 512, "temperature": 0.0, "select_expert": "Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct", "process_prompt": "False" }, ) ``` - If using a single model endpoint ```python from langchain_community.llms.sambanova import SambaStudio load_dotenv('.env') llm = SambaStudio( model_kwargs={ "do_sample": False, "max_tokens_to_generate": 512, "temperature": 0.0, "process_prompt": "False" }, ) ``` 2. Use the model ```python llm.invoke("your prompt") ``` See [utils/usage.ipynb](./utils/usage.ipynb) for an example. ### Using SambaNova Cloud LLMs 1. Import our **SambaNovaCloud** langchain internal wrapper in your project and define your **SambaNovaCloud** LLM: ```python from util..model_wrappers.llms.langchain_llms import SambaNovaCloud load_dotenv('.env') llm = SambaNovaCloud(model='llama3-70b') ``` 2. Use the model ```python llm.invoke("your prompt") ``` See [utils/usage.ipynb](./utils/usage.ipynb) for an example. ### Embedding Wrapper 1. Import the **SambaStudioEmbedding** langchain community wrapper in your project and define your **SambaStudioEmbeddings** embedding: - If using a CoE endpoint ```python from langchain_community.embeddings import SambaStudioEmbeddings load_dotenv('.env') embedding = SambaStudioEmbeddings( batch_size=1, model_kwargs = { "select_expert":e5-mistral-7b-instruct } ) ``` - If using a single embedding model endpoint ```python from langchain_community.embeddings import SambaStudioEmbeddings load_dotenv('.env') embedding = SambaStudioEmbeddings(batch_size=32) ``` > Note that using different embedding models (cpu or sambastudio) may change the results, and change the way they are set and their parameters 2. Use your embedding model in your langchain pipeline See [utils/usage.ipynb](./utils/usage.ipynb) for an example. ---
Setting up your virtual environment
There are two approaches to setting up your virtual environment for the AI Starter Kits: 1. **Individual Kit Setup (Traditional Method)** 2. **Base Environment Setup (WIP)** ### 1. Individual Kit Setup Each starter kit has its own `` and `requirements.txt` file. You can set up a separate virtual environment for each kit by following the instructions in their respective directories. This method is suitable if you're only interested in running a single kit or prefer isolated environments for each project. To use this method: 1. Navigate to the specific kit's directory 2. Create a virtual environment 3. Install the requirements 4. Follow the kit-specific instructions ### 2. Base Environment Setup For users who plan to work with multiple kits or prefer a unified development environment, we recommend setting up a base environment. This approach uses a Makefile to automate the setup of a consistent Python environment that works across all kits. Benefits of the base environment approach: - Consistent Python version across all kits - Centralized dependency management - Simplified setup process - Easier switching between different kits #### Prerequisites - **pyenv**: The Makefile will attempt to install pyenv if it's not already installed. - **Docker**: (Optional) If you want to use the Docker-based setup, ensure Docker is installed on your system. #### What the Base Setup Does 1. Installs pyenv and Poetry if they are not already installed. 2. Sets up a Python virtual environment using a specified Python version (default is 3.11.3). 3. Installs all necessary dependencies for the base environment. 4. Sets up the parsing service required by some kits. 5. Installs system dependencies like Tesseract OCR and Poppler. 6. Provides Docker-based setup options for consistent environments across different systems. #### Setting Up the Base Environment 1. **Install and Set Up the Base Environment:** ```bash make all ``` This command will set up the base ai-starter-kit environment, including installing all necessary tools and dependencies. 2. **Activate the Base Environment:** ```bash source .venv/bin/activate ``` 3. **Navigate to Your Chosen Starter Kit:** ```bash cd path/to/starter_kit ``` Within the starter kit there will be instructions on how to start the kit. You can skip the virtual environment creation part in the kits as we've done it here. ### Parsing Service Management For certain kits, we utilise a standard parsing service. By Default it's started automatically with the base environment. To work with this service in isolation, following the steps in this section. - **Start Parsing Service:** ```bash make start-parsing-service ``` - **Stop Parsing Service:** ```bash make stop-parsing-service ``` - **Check Parsing Service Status:** ```bash make parsing-status ``` - **View Parsing Service Logs:** ```bash make parsing-log ``` ### Docker-based Setup To use the Docker-based setup: 1. Ensure Docker is installed on your system. 2. Build the Docker image: ```bash make docker-build ``` 3. Run a specific kit in the Docker container: ```bash make docker-run-kit KIT= ``` Replace `` with the name of the starter kit you want to run (e.g., `function_calling`). 4. To open a shell in the Docker container: ```bash make docker-shell ``` ### Cleanup To clean up all virtual environments created by the makefile and stop parsing services run the following command: ```bash make clean ``` This command removes all virtual environments created with the makefile, stops the parsing service, and cleans up any temporary files.
If you encounter issues while setting up or running the AI Starter Kit, here are some common problems and their solutions: ### Python version issues If you're having problems with Python versions: 1. Ensure you have pyenv installed: `make ensure-pyenv` 2. Install the required Python versions: `make install-python-versions` 3. If issues persist, check your system's Python installation and PATH settings. ### Dependency conflicts If you're experiencing dependency conflicts: 1. Try cleaning your environment: `make clean` 2. Update the lock file: `poetry lock --no-update` 3. Reinstall dependencies: `make install` ### pikepdf installation issues If you encounter an error while installing `pikepdf`, such as: ``` ERROR: Failed building wheel for pikepdf Failed to build pikepdf ``` This is likely due to missing `qpdf` dependency. The Makefile should automatically install `qpdf` for you, but if you're still encountering issues: 1. Ensure you have proper permissions to install system packages. 2. If you're on macOS, you can manually install `qpdf` using Homebrew: ```bash brew install qpdf ``` 3. On Linux, you can install it using your package manager, e.g., on Ubuntu: ``` sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y qpdf ``` 4. After installing `qpdf`, try running `make install` again. If you continue to face issues, please ensure your system meets all the requirements for building `pikepdf` and consider checking the [pikepdf documentation]( for more detailed installation instructions. ### Parsing service issues If the parsing service isn't starting or is behaving unexpectedly: 1. Check its status: `make parsing-status` 2. View its logs: `make parsing-log` 3. Try stopping and restarting it: `make stop-parsing-service` followed by `make start-parsing-service` ### System Dependencies Issues If you encounter issues related to Tesseract OCR or Poppler: 1. Ensure the Makefile has successfully installed these dependencies. 2. On macOS, you can manually install them using Homebrew: ```bash brew install tesseract poppler ``` 3. On Linux (Ubuntu/Debian), you can install them manually: ```bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr poppler-utils ``` 4. On Windows, you may need to install these dependencies manually and ensure they are in your system PATH. ### Docker-related Issues If you're using the Docker-based setup and encounter issues: 1. Ensure Docker is properly installed and running on your system. 2. Try rebuilding the Docker image: `make docker-build` 3. Check Docker logs for any error messages. 4. Ensure your firewall or antivirus is not blocking Docker operations. ### General troubleshooting steps 1. Ensure all prerequisites (Python, pyenv, Poetry) are correctly installed. 2. Try cleaning and rebuilding the environment: `make clean all` 3. Check for any error messages in the console output and address them specifically. 4. Ensure your `.env` file is correctly set up in the ai-starter-kit root with all necessary environment variables. If you continue to experience issues, please [open an issue]( with details about your environment, the full error message, and steps to reproduce the problem. ### Important Notes for Users - Ensure you have sufficient permissions to install software on your system. - The setup process may take several minutes, especially when installing Python versions or large dependencies. - If you encounter any issues during setup, check the error messages and ensure your system meets all prerequisites. - Always activate the base environment before navigating to and running a specific starter kit. - Some kits may require additional setup steps. Always refer to the specific README of the kit you're using.

Note: These AI Starter Kit code samples are provided "as-is," and are not production-ready or supported code. Bugfix/support will be on a best-effort basis only. Code may use third-party open-source software. You are responsible for performing due diligence per your organization policies for use in your applications.