sambauers / capistrano-committed

Tells you what Capistrano 3 is going to deploy based on GitHub commits since the last release
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Capistrano Committed

Gem Version Build Status Test Coverage Code Climate Issue Count

Capistrano Committed is an extension to Capistrano 3 which helps to determine what you are about to deploy.

It creates a report, which lets you know which GitHub commits and pull requests are not yet deployed to the target stage (server).

It does this by:

  1. reading the revision log on the server;
  2. getting all the commits on the specified branch from GitHub (via API);
  3. looking through those commits and finding all the pull requests;
  4. getting the info and commits in each pull request;
  5. pumping all that data into a report;
  6. uploading that report to the server.

At the moment this only works with GitHub repositories, if you have another Git service you would like it to support then please submit a pull request.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile (usually in the :development group):

gem 'capistrano-committed'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-committed

In your project’s Capfile add this line:

require 'capistrano/committed'


In config/deploy.rb (in Rails) you need to set at least these two options:

# This is the GitHub user or organisation for the repository
set :committed_user, nil

# This is the GitHub repository name
set :committed_repo, nil

An example of the above is for a Rails project with a GitHub address of is:

set :committed_user, 'sambauers'
set :committed_repo, 'awesome-rails-project'

If your repository is private, you will need to set the :committed_github_config option in order to authenticate, this setting is a hash of options which are passed directly to the GitHub API gem. The full list of GitHub API configuration option are in the GitHub API gem read me file.

Example of personal access token usage:

set :committed_github_config, {
  :oauth_token => '65741acbd6473216583421cdef'

Example of basic auth usage:

set :committed_github_config, {
  :basic_auth => 'my-username:my-p455w0rd'

The following settings are optional, the default values are shown here:

# This describes the line that we are looking for and matching against to get
# revision details from the revision log. Grabbing this from Capistrano locales
# by default.
set :committed_revision_line, I18n.t('capistrano.revision_log_message')

# The config passed to the GitHub API gem - will usually contain auth details.
set :committed_github_config, {}

# How far back in the revision log we should look
set :committed_revision_limit, 10

# How many days beyond the last revision we fetch should we look for commits
set :committed_commit_buffer, 1

# Where to upload the text report - '%s' is replaced with `current_path` if
# present. `nil` will stop the report from uploading at all, and print to STDOUT
# instead.
set :committed_output_text_path, '%s/public/committed.txt'

# Where to upload the html report - '%s' is replaced with `current_path` if
# present. `nil` will stop the report from uploading at all.
set :committed_output_html_path, '%s/public/committed.html'

# This is a regexp pattern that describes issue numbers in commit titles and
# descriptions. This example matches JIRA numbers enclosed in square braces -
# e.g. "[ABC-12345]" with the part inside the braces being captured "ABC-12345".
# Setting this to `nil` will disable issue matching altogether. Note that this
# setting should specify a string, not a Ruby Regexp object.
set :committed_issue_match, '\[\s?([a-zA-Z0-9]+\-[0-9]+)\s?\]'

# This is an array of methods which should be applied to matched issue numbers
# before being formatted into the issue URL. An example might be to transform
# all matched issue numbers to uppercase, e.g. [project-123] to [PROJECT-123].
# The method names should be listed as symbols, e.g. [:upcase] and must be
# applicable to strings.
set :committed_issue_postprocess, -> { [] }

# This is the URL structure for issues which are found. The default is for a
# JIRA on Demand instance - e.g.
# "%s" will be replaced with the issue number. Setting this to `nil` will also
# disable issue matching altogether.
set :committed_issue_url, ''

# Register deployments in GitHub via the GitHub Deployments API (not
# implemented yet)
set :committed_deployments, false

Once your required settings are all in place, you can generate a report by running:

$ cap <stage> committed:generate

What's with the unicorn?

Capistrano + GitHub API gem = Capistrano Committed gem