sambuddhabasu / nyx
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

nyx - Terminal status monitor for Tor relays. Developed by Damian Johnson ( - All code under the GPL v3 ( Project page:

Description: Command line application for monitoring Tor, providing real time status information such as the current configuration, bandwidth usage, message log, connections, etc. This uses a curses interface much like 'top' does for system usage. The application is intended for command-line aficionados, ssh connections, and anyone with a tty terminal for checking their relay's status. Releases should be stable so if you manage to make it crash (or have a feature request) then please let me know!

The project was originally proposed in 2008 by Jacob and Karsten:

An interview by Brenno Winter discussing the project is available at:

Requirements: Python 2.5 Stem Tor is running with an available control port. This means either... ... starting Tor with '--controlport ' ... or including 'ControlPort ' in your torrc

It's also highly suggested for the control port to require authentication. This can be done either with a cookie or password:

For full functionality this also needs:

This is started via 'nyx' (use the '--help' argument for usage).


Why is it called 'nyx'?

Simple - because it makes the command short and memorable. Terminal applications need to be easy to type (like 'top', 'ssh', etc), and anything longer is just begging command-line aficionados to alias it down.

If you're listing connections then what about exit nodes? Won't this include people's traffic?

No. Potential client and exit connections are specifically scrubbed of identifying information. Be aware that it's highly discouraged for relay operators to fetch this data, so please don't.

Is it harmful to share the information provided by nyx?

Not really, but it's discouraged. The original plan for nyx included a special emphasis that it wouldn't log any data. The reason is that if a large number of relay operators published the details of their connections then correlation attacks could break Tor user's anonymity. Just show some moderation in what you share and it should be fine.

Is there any chance that nyx will leak data?

No. Nyx is a completely passive listener, fetching all information from either Tor or the local system.

When nyx starts it gives "Unable to resolve tor pid, abandoning connection listing"... why?

If you're running multiple instances of Tor then nyx needs to figure out which pid belongs to the open control port. If it's running as a different user (such as being in a chroot jail) then it's probably failing due to permission issues. Nyx still runs, just no connection listing or ps stats.

The bandwidth graph isn't showing up

Some terminals, most notably screen sessions on Gentoo, appear to have a bug where highlighted spaces aren't rendered. A reported workaround is to set: TERM="rxvt-unicode"

There's borders like 'mwqqqqqqqqj'

If you're getting something that looks like...

then you're encountering a bug between ncurses and your terminal where alternate character support (ACS) is unavailable. For more information see...

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way for nyx to automatically detect and correct this. To work around some of the issues set this in your nyxrc... features.acsSupport false

When I press enter in the connection panel to get details some of the information is either missing or outdated. Why is this?

There are two sources of information about Tor relays: their consensus and descriptor entries.

The consensus entry is provided on an hourly basis by the Tor directory authorities (special relays that keep track of all the relays in the network). The consensus has information like the nickname, flags, and in newer Tor versions a summarized exit policy.

The descriptor entry, however, is published by the relays themselves and has information like their platform, contact information, family, public keys, exit policy, etc. These are much larger than the consensus entries and don't change unless the relay changes their configuration.

Everyone in the Tor network (both relays and users) need the consensus entries to operate. However, only users (not relays) need the descriptor entries.

Tor will fetch both the consensus and descriptors for all of the currently active relays when it first starts. But to save bandwidth only the consensus entries are updated after this unless... a. 'FetchUselessDescriptors 1' is set in your torrc b. the directory service is provided ('DirPort' defined) c. you use Tor as a client

This means that some of the information on the connection page (like the platform and contact information) might be missing or stale due to missing descriptors. This isn't important to most users, but if you need this information then this is simple to fix with the above.


./ nyx - startup script install - installation script

nyx.1 - man page nyxrc.sample - example nyx configuration file with defaults ChangeLog - revision history LICENSE - copy of the gpl v3 README - um... guess you figured this one out - distutils installation script for nyx

src/ - parses and validates commandline parameters - checks python version and for required packages - version and last modified information - method for starting tests and demos settings.cfg - attributes loaded for parsing tor related data uninstall - removal script

  graphing/     - (page 1) presents graphs for data instances - tracks tor bandwidth usage        - tracks system information (such as cpu/memory usage)      - tracks number of tor connections

  connections/       - (page 2) lists the active tor connections       - circuit entries in the connection panel       - individual connections to or from the system      - displays client locale or exit port counts - displays raw descriptor and consensus entries         - common parent for connPanel display entries

  menu/           - provides an interactive menu           - individual items within the menu        - handlers for menu selections          - main display loop, handling input and layout         - top of all pages, providing general information              - toolkit providing display popups            - (page 1) displays tor, nyx, and stem events         - (page 3) editor panel for the tor configuration          - (page 4) displays torrc and validation

util/        - loading and persistence for user configuration - service providing periodic connection lookups        - enumerations for ordered collections   - service providing nonblocking reverse dns lookups         - aggregator for application events       - wrapper for safely working with curses subwindows   - queries process & system information from /proc contents    - renames our process to a friendlier name    - helper for system calls, providing client side caching   - expands the capabilities of text input fields   - functions for working with the torrc and config options    - Stem wrapper, providing caching and derived information     - helper functions for presenting the user interface