A simple game card based on the Avatar universe, using javafx for the interface, and wrapped by gradle.
└── src/main
└── java/com/avatarduel
├── card
│ ├── Aura.java
│ ├── Card.java
│ ├── CardLoader.java
│ ├── Character.java
│ ├── Destroy.java
│ ├── Element.java
│ ├── HasCost.java
│ ├── Land.java
│ ├── PowerUp.java
│ └── Skill.java
├── controller
│ ├── FieldController.java
│ └── HandController.java
├── deck
│ └── Deck.java
├── gui
│ ├── Buttons.java
│ ├── CardView.java
│ ├── FieldSide.java
│ ├── FieldView.java
│ ├── HandView.java
│ ├── HealthView.java
│ ├── MainView.java
│ └── RegView.java
├── player
│ └── Player.jav
├── state
│ ├── State.java
│ └── Phase.java
├── util
│ └── CSVReader.java
└── AvatarDuel.java
To build the game, simply type this in the terminal (for Linux users) or command prompt (for Windows users)
For Linux users
./gradlew build
For Windows users
gradlew build
To run the game, simply type this in the terminal (for Linux users) or command prompt (for Windows users)
For Linux users
./gradlew run
For Windows users
gradlew run
Simply type this in the terminal (for Linux users) or command prompt (for Windows users)
For Linux users
./gradlew avatarDocs
For Windows users
gradlew avatarDocs
After that, you can find the documentation in build/docs/javadoc/index.html. After you open it in your browser, you can go to the documentation of any packages or classes which are listed there.