samskivert / sbt-pom-util

SBT utility code that extracts metadata from POM files
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This SBT library (it's not really a plugin) allows one to extract project metadata from POM files. This is useful for situations where one must maintain SBT and Maven builds in parallel for the same project. Often one uses Maven on their automated build server, and SBT for local development.

The plugin is very unsophisticated. If your build is complex and makes use of myriad Maven plugins, you're not going to find the solution to your problems in this plugin. However, if you just use your POM to specify project metadata and enumerate your project dependencies, then you may just be in luck.


This library was built against SBT 0.13 and Scala 2.10. It does not integrate tightly into SBT's internals, and thus I have not embedded an SBT version into the artifact name.


There are two ways to use this plugin. In single module mode, and in multi-module mode. For a single module project, you simply SBT configuration information from your POM and stuff it into your SBT build in the right place.

Regardless of which way you use it, you must create a project/plugins.sbt file that contains the follow:

libraryDependencies += "com.samskivert" % "sbt-pom-util" % "0.6"

The library is published to Maven Central, so you will not need to add any custom resolvers.

Single module project

To use this for a single module project, do the following:

seq(samskivert.POMUtil.pomToSettings("pom.xml") :_*)

Multi-module project

For a multi-module project, the plugin will automatically set up inter-project dependencies and a root module so that your modules properly depend on one another. You'll have to use a .scala build file to make this work, but otherwise you just extend MavenBuild and everything is taken care of:

object FooBuild extends MavenBuild {
  // optionally provide settings used by all module projects
  override val globalSettings = Seq(...any SBT-specific settings...)

  // optionally provide settings for individual module projects
  override def projectSettings (name :String) = name match {
    case "core" => Seq(...SBT-specific settings for core module...)
    case "server" => Seq(...SBT-specific settings for server module...)
    case _ => Nil // any other modules have no specific settings

  // optionally specify which Maven profiles to consider "active"
  override def profiles :Seq[String] = Seq()

Workspace projects

If you use the MavenBuild approach above, you can also create a .workspace file which specifies the path to other sbt-pom-util-enabled projects which should be integrated directly into your SBT build. The .workspace file just contains a list of paths (relative or absolute) to the other projects.

This will cause any dependencies in your main project to resolve to modules in the workspace projects if their versions match (rather than resolving them to the artifact in the local Ivy repository).

For example, you might have a directory structure like so:

{{{ /home/projects/foolib # builds foocorp:foolib:1.3-SNAPSHOT /home/projects/barlib # builds barcorp:barlib:1.1-SNAPSHOT /home/projects/magicapp # your main project }}}

You can create a .workspace file in the magicapp directory with the following contents:

{{{ ../foolib ../barlib }}}

Assuming magicapp/pom.xml contains dependencies on foocorp:foolib:1.3-SNAPSHOT and barcorp:barlib:1.1-SNAPSHOT, then those projects will be loaded directly into your SBT session when running SBT on magicapp. Rebuilding magicapp will automatically rebuild changed files in foolib or barlib.

This is akin to having both projects in, for example, your Eclipse workspace, hence the name.

Note also that if foolib or barlib also contains a .workspace file, that will be transitively applied and you will end up with yet more projects wired directly into your SBT session.


Currently the plugin will extract:

It's not complicated to extend the internals of the plugin to handle more metadata or to handle other dependency properties, I just haven't needed them yet. Fork sbt-pom-util and/or pom-util and send a pull request if there's something you need.


sbt-pom-util is released under the New BSD License, which can be found in the LICENSE file.