samsmithnz / SatisfactoryPlanning

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Satisfactory Planning

Primary goals

Space elevator total parts needed

The production of space elevator parts is the ultimate goal - these parts aren't used for anything else, and knowing what we need helps us plan for each step.

Project Part #f03c15 Phase 1 #c5f015 Phase 2 #1589F0 Phase 3 #FFA500 Phase 4 Total
Smart Plating #f03c15 50 #c5f015 500 1,000 5,000 6,550
Automated Wiring 0 #c5f015 100 750 60,000 60,850
Versatile Framework 0 #c5f015 500 #1589F0 2,500 10,000 13,000
Adaptive Control Unit 0 0 #1589F0 100 8,000 8,100
Modular Engine 0 0 #1589F0 500 2,500 3,000
Assembly Director System 0 0 0 #FFA500 4,000 4,000
Magnetic Field Generator 0 0 0 #FFA500 4,000 4,000
Nuclear Pasta 0 0 0 #FFA500 1,000 1,000
Thermal Propulsion Rocket 0 0 0 #FFA500 1,000 1,000


Production requirement calculations

Phase Item Total required for phase target per minute Dependencies
#FFA500 4 Assembly Directory System 4000 4 Automated Wiring 60p/min + Adaptive Control Unit 8p/min
#FFA500 4 Magnetic Field Generator 4000 4 Versatile Framework 10p/min
#FFA500 4 Nuclear Pasta 1000 1 none
#FFA500 4 Thermal Propulsion Rocket 1000 1 Modula Engine 2.5 p/min
#1589F0 3 Versatile Framework 2500 10 none
#1589F0 3 Adaptive Control Unit 100 2 automated wiring 15p/min (note that we need to upscale or store enough for 8 p/min)
#1589F0 3 Modular Engine 500 2 smart plating 4p/min (note that we need to upscale or store enough for 2.5 p/min)
#c5f015 2 Smart Plating 500 2 none
#c5f015 2 Automated Wiring 100 15 none
#c5f015 2 Versatile Framework 500 10 none
#f03c15 1 Smart Plating 50 2 none (note that we need to upscale or store enough for 4 p/min)

If we assume that the first phase of the space elevator will be available around 10 hours in, second phase 25 hours, third phase 50 hours, and last phase 100 hours, we can roughly project how many space elevator parts we will produce (using the rates above), and any short falls. By storing excess production, we can prep for the next phase, simplifying production lines.

Item Phase 1 (15 hours) Phase 1 carry over Phase 2 (25 hours) Phase 2 carry over Phase 3 (50 hours) Phase 3 carry over Phase 4 (20 hours) Phase 4 carry over
Assembly Directory System 4800 800
Magnetic Field Generator 4800 800
Nuclear Pasta 1200 200
Thermal Propulsion Rocket 1200 200
Adaptive Control Unit 6000 5500 7900 -100
Modular Engine 6000 5500 7900 5400
Automated Wiring 22500 22000 44500 43750 61750 1750
Versatile Framework 16750 16250 46250 43750 55750 45750
Smart Plating 1800 1750 4750 4250 10250 9250 11650 6650

All items plan