samtools / htslib-plugins

Plugins for use with HTSlib
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Plugins for use with HTSlib.

Built plugins need to be on HTSlib's plugin search path so that HTSlib and programs using it can find them. This can be arranged in either of the following ways:

EGA-style encrypted (.cip) files

The _hfilecip plugin provides access to files encrypted with the European Genome-Phenome Archive's AES-CTR scheme, which usually have the extension .cip. The en-/decryption key is taken from the $HTS_CIP_KEY environment variable.


The _hfileirods plugin provides access to remote data stored in iRODS. It can be built for iRODS 3.x, 4.1.x, or 4.2 onwards, and the resulting plugins can be renamed with version numbers so that they can be installed alongside each other.

When built against iRODS 4.1.x, the plugin is incompatible with HTSlib 1.3.1 and earlier as it needs to be loaded with RTLD_GLOBAL. The _hfile_irodswrapper plugin can be installed in the same directory as _hfileirods to work around this problem and enable the iRODS plugin to be used with these earlier versions of HTSlib.

Memory-mapped local files

The _hfilemmap plugin provides access to local files via mmap(2).