samuel-emrys / raytracer

A simple raytracer
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Ray Tracer

This is a basic ray tracer, developed as an exercise following the Ray Tracing In One Weekend Tutorial.



conan install . -if build --build=missing
conan build . -bf build

Run the program

./build/build_subfolder/src/raytracing --help
A simple program to generate a static scene of spheres using a raytracer
Usage: ./build/build_subfolder/src/raytracing [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -o,--output TEXT            The name of the file in which to store the output [image.ppm].
  -f,--format TEXT            The format of the image to output [ppm].
  -a,--aspect-ratio FLOAT     The aspect ratio of the image [1.7777777777777777].
  -w,--width UINT             The width of the image [1200].
  -s,--samples-per-pixel UINT The number of samples to take for each pixel [500].
  -d,--max-depth UINT         The maxmimum number of ray bounces to compute [50].
  -v,--vertical-field-of-view FLOAT
                              The vertical field of view with which to view the scene, in degrees [20].

To execute this with default options, simply execute the following:


This will create the file image.ppm in your current working directory.

Open the image

On Linux, you can run

xdg-open image.ppm