samuelbroscheit / open_knowledge_graph_embeddings

Code to train open knowledge graph embeddings and to create a benchmark for open link prediction.
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Can We Predict New Facts with Open Knowledge Graph Embeddings? A Benchmark for Open Link Prediction

This repository contains the code for the ACL 2020 paper "Can We Predict New Facts with Open Knowledge Graph Embeddings? A Benchmark for Open Link Prediction". The code provides the means to train open knowledge graph embeddings and the code that was used to create the benchmark OLPBENCH. The code is provided as a documentation for the paper and also for follow-up research.

link prediction vs open link prediction

The content of this page covers the following topics:

  1. Preparation and Installation
  2. Training an Open Knowledge Graph Embedding Model on OLPBENCH
  3. Create OLPBENCH from scratch

Preparation and Installation


Once preparation and installation are finished you can train a model on OLPBENCH.

  1. Run training
  2. Prepared configurations
  3. Models

Run training

Run the training with:

python scripts/ [TRAIN_CONFIG_YAML] [OPTIONS] 

TRAIN_CONFIG_YAML is a yaml config file. The possible options are documented in:


All top level options can also be set on the command line and override the yaml confguration.

If you run training on a dataset the first time some indexes will be created and cached. For OLPBENCH this can take around 30 minutes and up to 10-20 GB of main memory! After the cached files are created the startup takes under 1 minute.

Prepared configurations

A token-based model for the OLPBench benchmark.

Two example models for the the Freebase FB15k-237 benchmark. Suggested for prototyping token based models.

An example standard KGE model for the the Freebase FB15k-237 benchmark.

Run evaluation

Run evaluation after training on test data with:

python scripts/ --resume data/experiments/.../checkpoint.pth.tar --evaluate True --evaluate_on_validation False

--resume expects the path to a checkpoint file. Checkpoints of the current state and also the best model(s) w.r.t. a model selection metric are saved during training.

_--evaluate_onvalidation False sets the evaluation to run on test data


See openkge/

Lookup based models (standard KGE)
Token based model to compute the entity and relation embeddings by pooling token embeddings
Token based model to compute the entity and relation embeddings with a sliding window CNN
Token based model to compute the entity and relation embeddings with a LSTM
Diagnostic models

For model options see the init of the respective class in openkge/ Additional to the combinations above, new combinations of score and embedding functions can be easily created by:

class BigramPoolingDistmultRelationModel(DistmultRelationScorer, BigramPoolingRelationEmbedder):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

Create OLPBENCH from scratch

ONLY if you want to create OLPENCH or a variant of it from scratch! This takes around half a day and a lot of memory to run. Best setting is at minimum a 40 core machine with at least 64GB of free main memory.

Download the OPIEC clean dataset (compressed: ~ 35 GB, uncompressed: ~ 292.4 GB)

cd data
cd ..

Then download and start an Elasticsearch server, that should listen on localhost:9200 . This is usually as easy as downloading the most recent version, unzip it in some folder, then change the default configuration to

cluster node.local: true # disable network

and then start the server in with ./bin/elasticsearch. Then run the preprocessing with

python scripts/ -c config/preprocessing/prototype.yaml
Prepared configurations to create OLPBENCH from scratch

Use this code for experiments on FB15k237

Prepare data
cd data/fb15k237
Prepared configurations

A token-based model:


What is the meaning of the prefixes for some relation tokens?

This is additional information about how a triple was extracted. For example, has:impl_poss-clause was extracted from a sentence which did not explicitly say "New York has a mayor ...", but from a implicit possessive relation, similar to a construction in "New York's mayor ...". OLPBENCH is based on OPIEC ( which was created with the system MINIE (see Implicit extractions in, which uses the patterns described in FINET ( Check out the last two papers to learn more about the implicit extractions that can occur in this dataset. Some of those patterns can be noisy and therefore might require special treatment, which is why this information is present in the data. For instance, for the evaluation data we chose the heuristic to sample only from relations with three or more words. This automatically excluded some implicit extractions for evaluation. If a model cannot handle this additional information then a simple approach is to just ignore everything after the colon. In our work we treated has:impl_poss-clause as a different token from has.


if you find this code useful for your research please cite

    title = "Can We Predict New Facts with Open Knowledge Graph Embeddings? A Benchmark for Open Link Prediction",
    author = "Broscheit, Samuel  and
      Gashteovski, Kiril  and
      Wang, Yanjie  and
      Gemulla, Rainer",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.209",
    pages = "2296--2308",